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Question: Can young people use the Happy Kit?

Yes, The Mini Happy Kit for Young People is Here! Shrunk down and streamlined with young people in mind, the mini Happy Kitβ„’ is just Β£10 and includes notes pages, information, tips and guides on 14 wellbeing topics including;
πŸ‘ Affirmations
😑 Anger Management
😫 Anxiety
πŸ˜” Bereavement
😞 Depression
🍏 Food & Mood
😍 Gratitude
😨 Panic Attacks
🀩 Positive Thinking
πŸ’œ Self Care
πŸ˜– Self Harm
😴 Sleep
😟 Stress
😊 Top 10 Happy Tips!

Purchase your Mini Happy Kit today, for just Β£10


Thank you Amy for this fab testimonial on the Mini Happy Kit!

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On a mission to Spreading kindness, positivity and gratitude through training and education.

My name is Stacey Miller and I have 20 years professional experience in the field of substance misuse, mental health and domestic abuse working with all sectors to upskill their staff.
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