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Random Acts Of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

18th-25th May 2020 is Mental Health Awareness Week, with a particular focus on Kindness.

With this in mind, Here are a list of random ways to project kindness into the wider world, all at a safe distance! Which is something we definitely need right now.

We start our Random Acts of Kindness for Mental Health Awareness Week off with a simple one! You can even do this for a few friends and family members.⁠
Random Act of Kindness #1: Send a motivational text to a friend who is struggling.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #2: Smile and say hello to people you may pass everyday, but have never spoken to before.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #3: Donate to a Food Bank.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #4: Contact someone you haven’t seen in a while and arrange a phone catch up.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #5: Arrange to watch a film at the same time as a friend and video call.⁠

Random Act of Kindness 6: Send flowers and a note to someone in isolation or your know who is struggling.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #7: Offer to skill share with a friend via video call – you could teach anything! Musical instruments, dance, fitness or crafts.⁠

Random Act of Kindness 8: Send a handwritten note, letting someone know you’re thinking about them.⁠

Random Act of Kindness #9: Arrange to have a video lunch or afternoon with friends or family.⁠

Last, but not least!

Random Act of Kindness #10: Make and send a care package to someone who needs it. It could be something as simple as some photos, a note, baked goods and your favourite book!

Hopefully these ideas will inspire you to spread a little kindness out into the world.⁠

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On a mission to Spreading kindness, positivity and gratitude through training and education.

My name is Stacey Miller and I have 20 years professional experience in the field of substance misuse, mental health and domestic abuse working with all sectors to upskill their staff.
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