‘Just had a lesson on stress with Stacey Miller and I am a year 11 student who very much needs this lesson! It was nice and light-hearted which was refreshing and I did not realise that gratitude could make you feel less stress and more happy … so I am going to try it out.’
Year 11 student, John Hanson School, Andover
‘I have met Stacey and Louise a few times at my school now. I really didn’t want to at first as some of the people in the group are annoying. But I am learning a lot about mental health and I am interested in being a wellbeing ambassador and doing some work with younger year groups.’
Year 9 student, Arnewood School, New Milton
‘Thanks to Stacey for excellent stress lessons for our year 11 students who have their mocks next week so very timely! A nice touch adding some gratitude at the end.’
Teacher, John Hanson School, Andover
‘I would like to remain anonymous if OK, but happy to share a testimonial. A friend of mine works for an organisation you have done training for and she recommended I get your motivation hacks webinar which I bought on your website and it was nice and straightforward. The webinar was an easy watch with loads of actionable ideas and I also liked the free smart goals worksheet to get me going, too.’
‘Weird being in school when no one else is here but its cool that there are things to do over the Christmas holidays because I get bored. I like the food and sweets and prizes for doing the quiz and dice game with Stacey.’
Year 8 student, Arnewood School, Hampshire
‘Huge thanks for a really good training session. I thought that the personable presentation was easy to understand and gave lots of interaction opportunities from us as learners. Powerful and meaningful messages – relevant to carers, social workers, families and concerned friends. Really good to hear this from an experienced and knowledgeable professional who has also the experience of drug addiction for a personal perspective. Highly recommend your training to others!’
Registered nurse, Blue Sky West Country
‘Stacey has just delivered training on substance misuse. Stacey is knowledgeable about her subject, she delivers in a friendly manner, she put everyone at ease. She answered question as they came up , she has vast life experiences and we were able to share our own stories.’
Social worker, Blue Sky, Hampshire
‘It was really informative and has extended my knowledge. I liked how you included everyone! Thankyou!’
Foster carer, Blue Sky, Bristol
‘I wasn’t sure what to expect but the session was alright and Stacey knew her stuff without preaching or telling us what to do. Decent getting chocolate, snacks, stickers and fidget toys for getting the answers right.’
Year 10 student, Henry Cort School, Fareham
‘Thank you Stacey for coming in to speak to all of our students on vaping. Our students and staff found you engaging and informative. Thank you!’
Head of Year 11, Tomlinscote School, Surrey
‘I really liked your speech miss. I learnt a lot and think you should talk to all year groups about this (vaping). If my teacher lets me, Ill join the last session about quitting.’
Year 10 student, Tomlinscote School, Surrey
‘Stacey came to visit us lads to talk to us about money and not struggling with it. Not an easy job with 100 young blokes but she did a good job, was confident and I feel like I can pass on some of what I learnt to people I know.’
Engineer, Kier, Bournemouth
‘Brilliant connections – able to get different speaker contacts to come into school. Another brilliant event, thank you. Loved the themed tables and activities.’
Teacher, Moonhall School, Surrey
‘Loved this lesson and think I am going to look into studying criminology at college!’
Year 8 student, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Refreshing to attend a conference for students and not for teachers. They learnt a lot and are much more equipped now to take ideas back to school and hopefully set up a wellbeing ambassador scheme.’
Teacher, Testwood School, Hampshire
‘Great training as always from Stacey despite it being 3 hours and online! Love the engagement activities and the free resources to support our work with clients.’
Caseworker, Barod, Bridgend
‘Excellent information about current themes related to young people, impacts, examples, and guidance on these. Great networking opportunities. Great examples of practical applications when working with young people. Really interesting, engaging and through provoking day! Thank you for all the hard work that will have gone into organising it!’
Head of year 9, Toynbee School, Hampshire
‘This morning I was scared about coming to this conference at a different school but Stacey has been so welcoming, so much fun and no sitting around. All the other schools were really nice and friendly too.’
Year 9 student, New Forest Academy, Hampshire
‘What fuzzy training! Great for myself, my kids and my clients! Have taken so much away.’
Caseworker, Barod, Bridgend
‘For just one hour info on drugs, I learnt so much and this well really help our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum. Great ed postcards too. We need some!’
Teacher, King Edwards School, Southampton
‘I really enjoyed all the teaching and questions we did. It was really interesting and I learnt about a lot of new things today and never knew about professional boundaries.’
Caseworker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Stacey knew lots about drugs and I actually didn’t mind the lesson when normally I don’t like visitors in our school.’
Year 9 student, St Edward’s School, Romsey
‘I learnt that everyone’s understanding of inappropriate isn’t the same and boundaries may have a grey area.’
Home manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Thanks for visiting us today at short notice, your presentation style is very engaging and I have taken away lots of actions.’
Teacher, King Edwards School, Southampton
‘Case studies were really interesting. Maintaining Professional Boundaries is actually essential. I’ve learnt to be empathic but know the limits.’
Caseworker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Loved all the resources at the end! Cant beat a quiz and I think the cutting down action plans will be really helpful for young people to quit vaping!’
Teacher, Farnborough College of Technology, Hampshire
‘Interesting training about all drugs and how they make you feel and the categories. Learnt a lot thanks.’
Support worker, Calcot Services for Children
‘Great interaction for 3 hours on zoom!’
Youth justice case worker, Barod, Swansea
‘Fascinating subject, you made it so interesting and I’m going to learn more and listen to the podcasts you mentioned and hopefully go to your conference too!’
Support worker, Calcot Services for Children
‘Will be sharing the diamond 9 activity and strategy cards’
Caseworker, Barod, Bridgend
‘Vaping is such an issue for schools at the moment so this workshops was very timely. I feel so much more confident about the topic now and will organise Stacey to speak to our students.’
Teacher, Tomlinscote School, Surrey
‘Cool games and loads of free stuff. Stacey was nice to talk to and knows lots about problems we have.’
Young person, age 15, Gosport
‘Excellent engaging sessions for our Gosport Passport scheme as always! Your positivity and engagement is always well received.’
Community Engagement and Project Officer, Gosport Borough Council
‘All the young people keep asking when you’re coming back! Great to have you involved in our summer HAF project. We learned a lot from your sessions and your resources will be invaluable.’
Youth Services Manager, New Milton Town Council
‘Thank you for helping me understand about drugs and showing me what they look like (drugs box) and why people do it. Learnt more today than school!’
Young person, aged 12, New Milton
‘We have had Stacey in all day today teaching drugs, alcohol and sex ed! We have regular drop down days and regularly invite Stacey in to speak to our students because she is so relatable and knowledgeable.’
Teacher, John Hanson School, Hampshire
‘Class lesson on drugs. No preaching.’
Year 9 student, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘This event has been excellent. My children have loved all the competitions and I am impressed with the amount of organisations in Eastleigh that support young people. Please keep Stacey working as she knew so much about helping my teen and I saw she also interacted with the kids well too.’
Parent, Eastleigh, Hampshire
‘For once not a cringey talk by an adult who doesn’t know anything really about the subject. I remember Stacey from last year and she was good. Pretty chill and made me listen and learn.’
Year 10 student, John Hanson School, Hampshire
‘We were fortunate enough to have a staff session led by Stacey Miller entitled ‘Financial Wellbeing’. It was an extremely informative session and covered so much more than the title led us to believe. We were given useful information, and handouts, on practical topics such as rent as well as a wealth of information concerning our mental health and wellbeing. I personally found the session to be extremely useful and thought that Stacey was very approachable and relatable, I still refer to the handouts now.’
SLT member, Burton CE Primary School
‘Thank you Stacey. It was very interesting + inspiring. You made me aware of BCP + CAB resources, links, apps and leaflets I wasn’t aware of. Your personal story, personality was very engaging. Would highly recommend this to other organisations! such a good training refresher as well.’
Family support worker, HomeStart Wessex
‘One thing I am taking away is tips to quit vaping to help the young people in the home but also myself as I am a vaper! I thought the training was really good for the time that was allotted.’
Support worker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Such an interesting course, I love all the resources you sent in advance which are vibrant and colourful and save me time having to write my own. Keep up the amazing work and I will definitely be more of a defender.’
Outreach worker, Barod, Wales
‘Dear Stacey, thank you so much for this session, I’ve learnt so much your openness. How interesting to really see how so close connected our mental health, money and physical health really is. You are amazing.’
Family support worker, HomeStart Wessex
‘Stacey, a great job keeping me engaged for 3 hours on line in this Anti Bullying session. From this I can be more confident within my job and my own children. Thank you as always’
Caseworker, Barod, Wales
‘I will do the quiz with our residents. It was a good awareness course and the trainer was knowledgeable.’
Caseworker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘We had the pleasure of working with Stacey Miller to deliver a variation of training sessions on drugs awareness, sleep management, mindfulness, and professional boundaries development that supports the children within our care. These skills are transferable in the Care homes, audience participation includes Registered Managers, Team Leaders and waking night staff alike. Stacey brought a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team, providing comprehensive and engaging sessions that were highly beneficial for our staff. Her approach was both professional and personable, ensuring that participants felt comfortable and empowered to ask questions and engage fully with the material. We highly recommend Stacey Miller for any organisation seeking top-notch training in these critical areas.’
Training Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Great vaping resources and I love the sound of your pre recorded webinars coming up. Think it’s a fab idea with all your freebies and resources you give out!’
Youth worker, Hampshire
‘Very interesting different amount of hours people need to sleep. I will turn and leave my phone on DND and for the YP to use a sleep diary.’
Night shift worker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘I found the stages of sleep interesting. I liked how the training was structured and the information provided was helpful. I will set a sleep routine & track my sleep.’
Deputy manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Useful course for work on e cigarettes but found it handy too as a parent of a teenager who is experimenting.’
Parent, Aldershot, Hampshire
‘It was very interesting and engaging. I will get an alarm clock and read before bed and try not to go on my phone for 1 hour before bed.’
Caseworker, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Well pitched drugs awareness session and I am really pleased we got to talk about vaping too as its such an issue for young people currently! Will be buying a pack of your drug cards later!‘
Youth worker, Lux Youth Project, Bath
‘As a volunteer in the community, we meet people first hand with all sorts of worries and issues and I would say the cost of living is the main one. So many people struggling and this session was helpful for us personally but also ideas on how to hep people that attend the centre.‘
Volunteer, Henry Brown Community Centre, Bournemouth
‘Enlightening. Stacey’s enthusiasm and vitality made the learning fun, relevant and easily accessible. We covered so much deep, intense stuff, thank you.‘
General advisor, Citizens Advice BCP, Dorset
‘Stacey provided clear, interesting and enjoyable training. The variation in presentation styles helped maintain focus and energy.‘
Youth mentor, Innovate Dorset
‘Before the training, I felt like I was winging it when using it, never understood it fully as not had much examples given to understand. During the session, it started to make sense, can start to see the logic behind it. I am now more confident to use it with yp’s, need to practice using the helpful sheets you have provided. ‘
Drugs recovery worker, BAROD, Cardiff
‘I found the training very informative and well paced. I learnt some new things and also had some great reminders.‘
Income adviser, BCHA, Poole
‘Stacey’s knowledge is brilliant and she trains in such an engaging way!‘
Quality and practice lead, BCHA, Poole
‘Very interactive and informal format of training, learned a lot about professional boundaries in professional settings.‘
Children‘s home manager, Calcot Services For Children, Reading
‘The training is eye opening and engaging. The facilitator has depth knowledge of the subject topic.‘
General advisor, Citizens Advice BCP, Dorset
‘I would recommend Stacey to any setting for this drugs awareness course or any course! The information is given in such a professional but relaxed way. I’ve taken away so much from this course, thank you so much! ‘
Pastoral support worker, Calthorpe Park School, Fleet, Hampshire
‘I hate change because I am autistic plus I just hate new people coming in to my school. But Stacey was cool and I learnt a lot from her lesson ‘
Year 9 student, St Edwards School, Romsey, Hampshire
‘Clear, engaging and informative. Stacey was friendly and approachable. She shared great ideas on how I could share this info with young people. It was a great session, thank you! ‘
Youth worker, Kings Arms Youth Centre, Hampshire
‘Extremely useful to network with other youth workers, understand theory, trends and language. Vaping is a newish issue with lots of unknowns and these are the next ticking time bomb. Very ueful handouts and cards to use as a reference.‘
Scout leader, Fleet, Hampshire
‘Extremely informative, good depth of information and Stacey was clearly very versed in the subject and able to answer all questions. ‘
General advisor, Citizens Advice BCP, Dorset
‘The time went very quickly in a good way! I found it very easy to follow and enjoyed how laid back, relatable and fun Stacey was. Very insightful.’
Youth worker, Kings Arms Youth Centre, Hampshire
‘I have found the training educational and well presented. The learning materials were incredible. Easy to understand and I liked the cards as well. ‘
Social work student, Hampshire
‘Very well structured and delivered. Engaged very well with participants and allowed us to express our own ideas. Very useful and interesting and certainly feel much more informed about drugs and usage. ‘
General advisor, Citizens Advice BCP, Dorset
‘The workshop is perfectly pitched. The right mix of tutor led and group discussions. Stacey made the subject very accessible and memorable. I feel more confident in this area, thank you!‘
Volunteer, Sashas project, Hampshire
‘Thank you for the take aways, up to date facts and the opportunity for us to celebrate what we do well. We’ll take forward some areas we need to improve (I love the distraction booklet). It is very motivating to attend training and end inspired but not overloaded! I hope we can see you again soon!‘
ELSA, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘Really useful information and discussion points that made me feel justified in my delivery of help and assistance to young people. The detail was useful in understanding the underlying issues related to self harm. Thought provoking discussion in an informal and comfortable environment.‘
Pastoral worker, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘ Love the posters from your shop! I will be putting them up all round the centre. Let me know if you create any more!‘
Youth worker, Hampshire
’Thank you for delivering the training today. I found it really informative, and you made it easy to listen to. Good job.’
Debt Compliance Officer, Citizens Advice Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
’Training was useful, good to revisit points that I am a bit complacent about (years of doing the same old). Useful handouts and pitched so wasn’t too intense considering the topics.’
Pastoral worker, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘It has provided us with a great range of resources and contacts to help support our young carers more. Overall, an amazing conference, Stacey did a great job organising it. We need more! ‘
Young Carers project officer, Hart Voluntary Action, Hampshire
‘Who would have thought you could get training on sleep and it be so important! Really loved learning about this topic and all the tips you gave us to help our children. ‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Met with new people, shared ideas, discussed emerging trends. Brought my knowledge up to date. Lovely venue, interesting, relevant and up to date content. Varied info and really interesting.‘
Volunteer Engagement and Development Officer, Citizens Advice Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole‘I’ll be honest. I didn’t want to go to this conference with other schools but everyone has been really nice and not horrible. ‘
Year 9 student, Toynbee School, Hampshire
‘Helpful resources, food for thought and good networking. Really well put together day! Great range of talks. Enough breaks and very engaging. I didn’t get bored!‘
Senior Lead Play Worker, Youth Options, Hampshire
‘Stacey is a good teacher. She came to our school today and talked about healthy eating and why its important for our brain. I will try not to ever drink energy drinks or coffee and eat more fruit and vegetables‘
Year 7 student, John Hansen School, Hampshire
‘Lots of contacts made for PSHE events at school. Knowledge building for me in my PSHE role. I’m so glad I made it! This has been the most informative day!‘
PSHE lead, The Hamble School, Hampshire
‘Lots to take back and share with the wider team. Love the resources and will be great to use with young people! really useful, great speakers. Great to have young people there too! They were amazing. You dealt with one of your speakers not showing up so well! ‘
Early help practitioner, Portsmouth
‘Great mindset session our students who I am sure will help them thrive and raise their aspirations. Thanks to Stacey for facilitating and Dorset Careers Hub for organising. ‘
Teacher, Avonbourne Academy, Bournemouth
‘I thought having training on mindfulness would make me fall asleep but as I learned today, it’s a bit more than relaxing! Great tips to help our children too so thanks.‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘I was so nervous about going out of school for the day but it ended up being really exciting, with a cool teacher, lots of ideas for me to deal with my negativity and free pizza!‘
Year 10 student, Avonbourne Academy, Bournemouth
‘I am a member of the mind body soul group at Wildern school and our job is to think of ideas to help the wellbeing of other students in the school. We are really excited to work with stacey on 2 conferences where we will help with organising them and also presenting. ‘
Year 9 student, Wildern School, Hampshire
‘I have attended drugs and alcohol training before but this was high end. Up to date, fascinating and a lot of fun so the time flew by!‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘I love the title sprinkle of happiness for a Facebook live which I know definitely sprinkled some magic to all us ambassadors for Tropic! ‘
Tropic Ambassador, Edinburgh
‘The best 3 hours of training I have had a in long time!‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘I learnt so much today. Interactive and I love all the resources such as the postcards, their design and info. ‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘Really liked all the activities today especially Stacey’s stall playing the dice game and winning loads of prizes. She was also easy to chat too about stuff that’s stressing me out. ‘
Young person aged 14, Gosport Passport event
‘Fab mindset Facebook live tonight! I can’t believe how much our thoughts are connected to everything. Our body, what we do etc! Definitely going to be more mindful.‘
Tropic Ambassador, London
‘Decent night tonight. I knew about the drugs but learnt a lot about vaping and how to cut down.‘
Young person, aged 15, ASBOC, Hampshire
‘I’m not into all the skating and stuff but my mates are and that’s why I came down. I like the stalls on hair braiding and getting tips on my anxiety and sleep.‘
Young person, aged 13, ParkSport Eastleigh event
‘Awesome lesson on drugs! Didn’t realise vaping was a drug.‘
Year 9 student, Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth
‘Great lesson on addiction today about gambling, drugs and even mobiles and I am defo addicted to my tik tok!‘
Year 8 student, John Hanson School, Andover, Hampshire
‘Thanks for your delivery to our students in Switzerland! I absolutely love CBT and the way you teach it user friendly for young people and you did all of this online with a few tech hitches our side! More bookings to come soon I am sure!‘
Wellbeing manager, Obersee Bilingual School, Zurich
‘Mental health is very important but maybe I had forgotten bout taking care of mine. During the training, I remembered all the things I have been emotionally avoiding but in a good way. After it, left me many things to think and reflect about and just try and put everything learnt to day to the test.‘
Youth worker, SOCO Music project, Southampton
‘Great informative and really interesting parents’ session on drugs tonight. I feel so more equipped to talk to my children and not panic if anything ever happens. Would really like more of this evenings and stacey to talk again maybe on mental health topics.‘
Parent, Mountbatten School, Romsey
‘I knew a bit about mental health not specifically through training, however I always felt it was important and I had seen some posts about anxiety and panic attacks. During the course, I felt like I knew some stuff but not in details as well as realising and learning some new factors that help mental health. Now I feel more encouraged to work on some stuff with myself but also a little more confident to relay info to the young people.‘
Youth worker, SOCO Music project, Southampton
‘ Thank you so much for delivering the course today – you made it so interesting. I especially enjoyed the interactive questions at the start which really bought home how normal it is to suffer with negative thoughts patterns which I know will be very helpful for my patients to see. Thanks again for the course and all the worksheets!‘
Wellbeing Practitioner, Andover Mind
‘Many thanks for giving me a space on the course – it was really informative, and enjoyable and that’s not an easy thing to accomplish online!! Before I was interested in finding out about CBT – think I did an awareness session with you many, many years ago? Good interactive activities bits and none of them were scary or put participants on the spot (previous life experience of that one !!) so I should probably rephrase that as participants encouraged but not forced to join in with chat exercises? Great examples of negative thoughts and their influence, with specific reference to some for young people. The course was thought provoking. I learned a lot about what and how I can change things – will be sharing with family and colleagues.‘
Local Childrens Partnership Chair, Eastleigh, Hampshire
‘Thank you so much for the very inspirational talk for us Tropic Ambassadors tonight. It is so very appreciated. You’re so very easy to listen to, I’m absolutely buzzing now!!‘
Tropic Ambassador, London
‘Nice to have a wellbeing hour for just teachers. Its not just unemployed people struggling with the cost of living crisis and it made a refreshing change looking at how to help ourselves.‘
Teacher, Ormiston Rivers Academy, Essex
‘The best lesson I’ve had, really funny and so interesting, think I might look into jobs working in prisons or rehabs. Thanks for visiting us.‘
Year 9 student, Mountbatten School, Romsey, Hampshire
‘Love the laminating drugs game as I hate sitting around on training and you definitely got us moving and time went so quick! Good resources to take back to work with our kids too.‘
Residential Care Manager, Calcot Services for Children, Reading
‘A star act. Stacey is very professional and connects with young people very well. I strongly recommend her to come and deliver sessions in your school. Out students gave amazing feedback and we are having her back again next year! Her resources are very useful as a conversation starter or a follow up exercise in PSHE.’
Wellbeing, Obersee Bi-lingual School, Zurich
‘Stacey was very friendly and it was super cool to have her visit all the way from England and give us her time and expertise. Now that we have met her in person, I am confident that the school will invite her to teach us more but maybe online so easier to facilitate.’
Year 12 student, Obersee Bi-lingual School, Zurich
‘I’ve found this workshop to be very helpful for myself. It’s good to connect with others to not just help myself but for myself to help others hopefully. This has felt like a bit of a chance to reset my mental health. I’ve enjoyed doing this workshop and I look forward to doing some more in the future. My action I will do is to put myself first more often.’
Housing tenant, South Coast Training event, Southampton
‘I enjoyed all of it. I will take away more gratitude and be kinder to myself. It always helps when the person presenting anything like this, to have personal experience of what they are teaching or training.’
Housing tenant, South Coast Training event, Southampton
‘I really liked your energy, enthusiasm and how you put the course together and presented it. I liked the 5 ways to wellbeing the best and I will pay it forward more. Many, many thanks for your experience, time and effort.’
Housing tenant, South Coast Training event, Southampton
‘Thank you for your workshop today. Its always good to see you and listen to you. It made getting dressed easier and looking forward. I really like it because I met with you again, always a pleasure and of course, the workshops was more enjoyable for already knowing you.’
Housing tenant, South Coast Training event, Southampton
‘Stacey was really knowledgeable and her energy was great considering it was over zoom. The resources were amazing and I know will be so useful for myself and the young people I support. Stacey made me feel comfortable to share and was open with the group. Thank you, Stacey!’
Youth worker, Motiv8, Gosport
‘Thank you, Stacey. I enjoyed the training – love the resources and the way the course was structured and interactive (without having to introduce ourselves or do embarrassing ice-breakers!)’
Social prescriber, Eastleigh PCT, Hampshire
‘Great training Delivery Stacey, so nice to have someone animated when they are talking, not just reading off slides!’
Pastoral support worker, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Just wanted to say a huge thank you for Friday and the workshop you delivered. All of the resources you put together were fantastic and it was great that so many stayed and seemed to enjoy and benefit from the session. A hard ask, on a Friday afternoon! Well done and thanks again.’
Head of Learning Services, Community First, Hampshire
‘I’ll admit I wasn’t sure about attending a financial wellbeing webinar at work. Does it mean I am struggling? Anyway, no judgement there and in fact most of the team attended. Really needed this boost to feeling more resilient during the financial crisis. Stacey was an exceptional host.’
Project manager, Glenigan, Bournemouth
‘This was by far the best lesson I’ve had today. I liked the way Stacey was so honest telling us stories but not trying to scare us all the time because at the end of the day, most people smoke weed.’
Year 9 student, John Hansen School, Hampshire
Before this webinar I was feeling really flat and hopeless about the cost of living crisis and now I feel more hopeful and realistic that bad times do pass.’
Retail assistant, Eastleigh
‘Pause button idea is good and very thought provoking. Great help for my negativity.’
Resident, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
‘Really liked your (drugs) talk. You didn’t preach to us and you knew your stuff. I wasn’t bored at all and normally am’.
Student, Eastleigh College, Hampshire
‘It was very engaging and helped me to think about how I can help myself. I definitely feel more in control of my thoughts and feelings now.’
Resident, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
‘I couldn’t think of a better workshop to attend right now than money and mental health! Glad my manager told me about it. Great awareness and tips.’
Environmental health officer, Test Valley Borough Council
‘A raw talk about someone’s experiences of drug taking delivered in an honest but light hearted manner.’
Student, Bournemouth Collegiate School
‘Talking about financial resilience is so important right now and I can recommend your workshops enough to professionals and residents we work with.’
Resident, New Forest, Hampshire
‘I often listen and talk to young people but I did not know how to respond on some occasions. I really like learning about affirmations and anxiety. I feel more empowered to be able to help especially with depression.’
PC, Hampshire Constabulary
‘I feel like our school has missed on so much lessons like this. Bullying, mental health and friendships is huge in school so I think this lesson was good today.’
Year 9 student, Hamble Community College, Hampshire
‘I wasn’t quite sure how to help young people or where to signpost them when its not my field of expertise. I loved everything! Loved the gratitude and positive thinking topics, really helpful to take forward. I am much more confident about what resources to tap into. I am also more confident about being able to listen and support young people at school and at home.’
Teacher, Lymington Junior School, Hampshire
‘Great ideas to make me happy. I never realised that so many things could make you down but so many things can make you feel great! Me and my friends have already said we are going to try arts and crafts stuff this weekend to see if we like it.’
Year 7 student, John Hansen Community School, Hampshire
‘I was aware that mental health was a huge factor with children these days. However this training has really opened my eyes up to the seriousness in depth. The flash cards and worksheets are a great tool to take away. I have learnt a lot of useful tools to use with the children I work with as well as my own children.’
PC, Hampshire Constabulary
‘I knew some things about youth mental health and some techniques to help but I felt that I needed a refresher and learn some more techniques and advice for supporting young people with their mental health. Love the postcards and the ideas for activities to explore mental health with young people. useful local links and contacts to support our young people. I felt more knowledgeable and keen to share the activities and advice. Empowered/enabled to be able to help young people in my setting and my own children.’
Teacher, Lymington Junior School, Hampshire
‘Thank you for such a positive and interactive training session, really enjoyed it.. and loved your positivity and enthusiasm! Thank you so much for forwarding your presentation.. and for the training cert. Have a great week, and keep in touch re further training you are doing.. loved it!’
Health and wellbeing coach, Help & Care, Dorset
‘Thank you Stacey, great session. Will be sharing information and hopefully link up with some of these organisations to signpost to clients. I will give members of my family advice & sign post them and also tell my team about the training. Thank you very much Stacey.’
Customer Service Advisor, Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch Council
‘’This has been an amazing event and has made me feel welcome to be open about my thoughts. The organisers made it fun and cooperative for us.’’
Year 9 student, Wildern School, Hampshire
‘Just wanted to say thank you again for coming into Hope&Glory on Tuesday and sharing your stories and tips. I came into you and chatted about my IBS and you worked out I whizz through life at 1000mph (guilty!) So I’ve enquired about some CBT to challenge my way of thinking and I’m trying really hard to PAUSE a few times a day. Will let you know how I get on. Hopefully see you soon as H&G soon!’
Public relations officer, Hope & Glory PR, London
‘Hi! Thank you so much for such a wonderful session today. I found it very enjoyable and informative!! Thank you so much for organising it!’
Year 11 student, Participation People, London
‘Very interesting and informative training session. Made me understand better how debt and mental health are connected, what some of our tenants may be going through and how unsettling and isolating they must feel. The training gave me some practical tips on how to talk with compassion with the tenants, hot to identify the signs that someone is struggling. I do not think I realised before how connected and serious the issues of debt and mental health are, and the potentially how serious the consequences can be….! The training was delivered in a very friendly way and managed to deliver a positive message with such a serious issues. Strongly recommend! Thank you Stacey!’
Tenant Engagement Officer, Southampton City Council
‘Stacey joined us for Park Sport 2022 by coming along and setting up a stall at one of our annual Skate Jam events. Stacey brought lots of freebies and resources for the young people and families that attended the event. Stacey is fantastic at engaging and connecting with a variety of audiences to educate and raise awareness on a number of different topics such as: mental health, alcohol and drug awareness. We continue to work with Stacey on a number of campaigns, the team would highly recommend Stacey.’
SportWorks Project Officer, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘Presentation of the day! Stacey was great and well presented. Thank you. Found out a lot more about wellbeing.’
Resident, Gosport Borough Council
‘I learnt different strategies for dealing with stress and will try to put some things in to practice. Stacey is a brilliant teacher and I would like further workshops with her.’
Resident, Radian housing, Hampshire
‘I enjoyed the range of diverse people here today. The content of the day was interesting, real and engaging. I’m grateful for the opportunity of being here today and I’ll be sharing info and resources from the day. Thank you.’
Resident, Southampton City Council
‘Apart from the great session, I really enjoyed the skills for engagement. The presentation on all subjects was amazing and has left me with a happy feeling! I will learn more from the happy tips. You are great!’
Resident, Vivid Housing, Hampshire
‘I learnt I’m not alone and there’s always someone there. I realised I do matter and I need to take more care of myself (no empty fuel tank!) I am going to try a compliments day. Thank you Stacey.’
Resident, Portsmouth City Council
‘My mum made me come today. I thought it would be like going to school on a Saturday but I really liked the day and learnt lots about how to be happy and how to help my friends. The cake was really good and we should have them in school.’
Year 8 student, Deer Park Secondary School, Hampshire
‘Knowledgeable, professional and motivated. Stacey is a joy to work with in every aspect. She bends over backwards to accommodate and always delivers the highest quality training. Highly recommend.’
Youth manager, Groundwork Solent, Eastleigh
‘Thank you for your honest, authentic approach backed up with science. I am taking away causation and correlation in terms of drug use. I see how it links to other behaviours, seeing it as a wider context of interrelated issues. Really thought provoking, thank you.’
Mentor, Innovate Dorset
‘It was a very informative and easy approached session, making it accessible in a friendly way. Very useful indeed.’
Mentor, Innovate Dorset
‘I found the session informative with actionable take aways. Procrastination is something I’ve struggled with so I am going to use some of the techniques I’ve learnt today.’
Operations manager, Tesla Europe, London
‘I enjoyed this team away day so much! The wellness, VR games and bird handling were a great mix. I am going to do acts of kindness and ask more open questions on wellbeing about the other person. I loved Stacey’s approach and I would like to see her more often in our office and apply all the ideas in practice.’
Office manager, Dia-Stron Ltd, Hampshire
‘I liked the idea of challenging my negative thoughts and need to do this more. The ideas behind why we procrastinate are useful and some good tips there. I am going to check out the recommended podcasts and challenge my thoughts more often.’
HR manager, Tesla Europe, London
‘I found the session highly motivational. It made me excited to think I can use CBT to help me achieve my goals.’
Virtual diagnostic specialist, Tesla Europe, London
‘Stacey is brilliant. Whether it’s mental health, drugs, motivational interviewing or boundaries training, she delivers content in a clear and engaging way, and you’ll always find yourself going home with additional resources to use in your setting. We have used Stacey to deliver a number of training sessions with our youth support workers, and continue to do so. Her Happy Kits have been particularly well received by our families and the young people we support. You will not find a more prepared, flexible and knowledgeable trainer in her field.’
Chief Executive Officer, Solent Youth Action, Eastleigh
‘Wow … what a fantastic experience. I joined a Wellbeing Retreat at Sculpture by the Lakes in Dorchester. Firstly what an amazing setting, very fitting. There were a series of workshops as well as the opportunity to practice Yoga. Stacey Miller’s workshop on ‘The Power of our Thoughts’ really struck a cord with me. What an amazing reminder of how our thoughts have a direct impact on our lives and an excellent reminder that, if we want it, we really can have much more in control of our own lives than we might think! Loved it, a great day, thank you!’
Estate planner, Roche Wills and Trusts, Hampshire
‘Thanks for the spikeys and sperm keyrings, you can come again!’
Student, Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh
‘We have a lot of support as a team. Sunseeker is really on top of mental health. People without tools need to be signposted to tools.’
Engineer, Sunseeker International, Poole
‘There is much more help out there than I thought. I now understand positive thinking influences other and I am going to make a more conscious effort to compliment others to improve working relationships.’
Engineer, Sunseeker International, Poole
‘Love the cards! Anyone can google info but found having something tangible much better. I am going to put the gratitude card on my fridge.’
Engineer, Sunseeker International, Poole
‘The lesson for the pupils acted as a great training session on drugs that I have never had before! So double whammy for them and us teachers!’
Teacher, Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth
‘I didn’t get why I had to attend these drug lessons cos I don’t take drugs but I’ve realised that every kid could may abuse drugs and it was actually fun and I learnt a lot.’
Year 9 student, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘I’m glad I have a choice about whether I end up like my dad. Stacey talking about her family makes me realise I can have a good life too.’
Year 8 student, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘I’ve never had a lesson on relationships with drugs and alcohol before. Didn’t even realise they were similar. You dealt with the naughty people well.’
Year 9 student, Hamble School, Hampshire
‘Enlightening lesson on RSE and substance misuse and keeping our children safe.’
Teacher, Hamble School, Hampshire
‘Great lesson on drugs today, really relevant and some very interesting personal stories making it more real for our students.’
Teacher, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘I thought I already knew a lot about drugs but clearly not! No judgement and no telling us what to do. Really liked Stacey’s approach to teaching us.’
Year 9 student, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Best lesson of the day! Didn’t think you could learn so much about weed in one lesson. It definitely has put me off and didn’t know about it playing up with your mood.’
Year 9 student, John Hansen School, Andover, Hampshire
‘I was a bit sceptical about going to a lesson online on coping strategies but it was still high quality and interactive. Our students learnt a lot and found it very informative.’
Teacher, The Stanway School, Essex
‘Just attended a self esteem and confidence webinar with Stacey and I didn’t realise there differences between to two if I am honest! Great tips to boost my life which I really need right now! Extra bonus on hearing real life experiences.’
Rail North Partnership Manager, Transport for the North
‘Thank you for running a negative thinking session for our staff, one online and one face to face. Both were received very highly and we will certainly be using you again.’
Content Operations Manager, Glenigan, Bournemouth
‘Stacey came in to deliver up to date drugs training for our SLT and pastoral team. She knows her stuff and always has lots of great resources for us to use in school.’
Teacher, Noadswood School, Hampshire
‘I found the training assisted me in recognising the importance of taking time out during the working day to maintain my own personal mental health wellbeing. also the importance of ensuring that staff within my team do so too.’
Family support worker, Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council
‘There were some great tactics to use, which we find very useful. But the biggest thing for me was the acknowledgment that it is ok not to fell 100% all the time and ask for help.’
Resident, Poole, Dorset
‘Stacey’s upbeat attitude, the variety of topics, particularly liked Gratitude and A-Z Coping strategies. I feel slightly better, really enjoyed the sessions, thank you very much.’
Resident, Bournemouth, Dorset
‘I really liked Stacey’s messages about drugs. Keep us safe is much better than telling us off.’
Year 9 student, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Thank you for a beautiful afternoon. I really liked it because you kept me awake.’
Resident, Upton Bay Care Home, Poole
‘I now know lots of info about self harm and how to help my friends’
Year 10 student, John Hansen School, Andover, Hampshire
‘Many thanks to you and Mel for putting on such a great event last Friday. It was so nice (despite not having the right “going out bag”!) to get together and do a bit of networking. All the guest speakers were excellent and I felt that despite everything we’ve all been through as a sector, there was an air or positivity in the room.’
Anon, Partners in Care Networking Conference
‘Thanks for coming in to our workplace to deliver professional boundaries training. Or staff work very hard so its important we safeguard them and your training was very thought provoking.’
Team leader, YMCA Bournemouth
‘Stacey Miller Consultancy ran a fantastic session for our Prince’s Trust Team group. She really engaged everyone in some powerful, thought-provoking discussions and created an environment that encouraged an open and honest approach where young people felt comfortable sharing their own experiences if they wanted to- especially important to our group of 12 young men. They, and the staff, came away with some great ideas on how to improve their wellbeing and create healthy self care habits that could be easily incorporated into a busy day. I cannot recommend Stacey Miller Consultancy highly enough. It has a lasting impact and normalises the need to talk about mental health. Thank you Stacey!’
Prince’s Trust Team Leader, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
‘You should be a counsellor, really liked you and your stories.’
Year 9 student, Wildern School, Hampshire
‘Stacey is a legend! Really good lesson and helped me a lot.’
Year 9 student, Wildern School, Hampshire
‘Thank you so much for today Stacey, we had a great time playing happy bingo and all left like we learnt a lot! We’re going to make it a team thing to do one new thing a month from now on. We’ll keep you posted how we get on.’
Chief Executive Officer, MyTime Young Carers, Dorset
‘I’ve just been to your webinar on sleep and learnt loads, never even thought about a sleep diary so I’ll be trying that and give the other tips to my teenage children!’
Resident, Bournemouth
‘Stacey came and delivered a wellbeing session for our staff in the Students’ Union at Bournemouth University, we haven’t been able to run any face to face training for a long time and with the education sector coming up against so many challenges during the pandemic we also haven’t had the chance to ensure we are looking after ourselves. This training came at such a vital point for us, allowing staff to take a step back and reassess their needs and limits. The tools Stacey talked about were so relevant, appropriate to all of us and very useful for everyday life. It made us more considerate of our mental health and capacity and gave us strategies to cope now and in the future. The R3 Welfare project tackling mental health in the workplace is such a fantastic initiative and so important in todays world. We are excited to promote the BCP Together App as we believe it will be incredibly useful for our staff and students. Thank you so much for coming to our workplace, lifting our spirits and showing us that we can do this but sometimes we need a nudge in the right direction, which is exactly what Stacey and her wealth of knowledge and infectious personality does!‘
SUBU Lansdowne Manager, Bournemouth University
‘I did not know that stress makes me have the flu, I need to try keep chilled as I don’t want to get ill especially as my GCSE exams are soon.’
Year 11 student, John Hansen School, Andover, Hampshire
‘We have used Stacey for a number of engaging wellbeing sessions on various topics, all of which have had high number of attendances and very positive feedback. I would certainly recommend Stacey to any person/company who is looking for an experienced wellbeing consultant to provide high quality sessions with lots of helpful tips to take away.’
HR and Skills Officer, Transport for the North
‘I am 13 years old and have a lot of anxiety. I joined the lesson for the free sweets and food but actually I really liked the lessons that gave me lots of ideas on helping myself.’
Year 9 student, Ormiston Park Academy, Aveley, Essex
‘Really liked making the happy boxes, I think we should have one in every tutor group. Didn’t realise music can make you happy.’
Year 9 student, Ormiston Park Academy, Aveley, Essex
‘The biggest thing for me is knowing so many people have anxiety so no just me, I feel better knowing that.’
Year 9 student, Ormiston Park Academy, Aveley, Essex
‘I will be ordering a few of those happy kits please. After your session with us I have been focusing on Sleep, Exercise and food and what a difference I feel! I have also taken up a new sport…walking rugby which is really random…I start on Friday!’
Deputy Headteacher, Heatherlands National Support School, Poole
‘Thank you for your frank, honest presentation – very easy to follow and full of useful tips and help – shall certainly be telling my colleagues about you!’
Communications officer, BCP Council
‘I think I might try to become more of a positive person.’
Volunteer, Prince’s Trust, Poole
‘I really enjoyed the way you started the discussion, through bingo and conversation.’
Volunteer, Prince’s Trust, Poole
‘It was a great a great session and very informative and fun. You made it very fun and interesting.’
Volunteer, Prince’s Trust, Poole
‘I enjoyed all the activities. It was very informative and enjoyable.’
Volunteer, Prince’s Trust, Poole
‘It worries me that everyone in school is so down. I am glad my school got someone like Stacey to come and talk to us. I know so much more about mental health now and have lots of ideas on how I can make myself and my friends happy.’
Year 9 student, Wildern school, Hampshire
‘I was extremely impressed with Stacey’s training, very fun and upbeat. I would highly recommend Stacey.’
Marketing officer, Herb UK, Hampshire
‘’Amazing delivery of different subjects to talk about. Really gave a safe place where you could open up. Gave different coping skills and really felt like I learned a lot in a short timeframe. Would defo recommend Stacey. Thanks.’
Corporate Client Manager, Vitality Health, Bournemouth
‘Great training, very informative with lots of tips and videos and a fab bunch of people!’
Student Support Officer, The Grange Secondary School, Christchurch, Dorset
‘I am so pleased I came along and Stacey was amazing. I have refocused and have new tools to go forward.’
Personal shopper, Tesco’s, New Milton, Hampshire
‘Stacey is awesome. She has helped boost my confidence and made me feel positive that I am able to continue to take steps to change my train of thought.’
Tanning salon owner, New Milton, Hampshire
‘I liked your open, honest, bright and positive approach.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Thank you for the training, I really enjoyed the openness and honesty.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Very well presented. Good fun day. Great tips and signs to look for.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Relaxed training but very on topic that also related to our work.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Brilliant trainer. Thoroughly enjoyed it again. Love the topics and the openness. I am very interested in these subjects so it’s been a very enjoyable training session. Thank you!’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘I thoroughly enjoyed this training course! The openness and honesty was very refreshing and insightful. I learnt a lot from this training session and I’m looking forward to the next one.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘The course Stacey provided was very insightful, she was honest and understanding. All the information was informative. Thank you so much I learnt a lot.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Handling drugs, how drugs are taken, how spice works, different effects of drugs, the persons eyes.’
Park ranger, Eastleigh Business Improvement District
‘Positive and energetic. Fun and informative.’
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘Fun and interactive learning about mental health awareness. Found it to be lots of fun. Thank you.’
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘Many thanks for a fun but informative session. Bingo is a good springboard to good ideas and activities.
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘Stacey has an infectious and vibrant personality which makes you want to engage, listen and participate. The message was positive, and the tasks were fun and thought provoking at times.’
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘I thought it was all fab and really enjoyed it. It is the best session on this topic I have been to. I also liked that you confirmed that its okay that not everyone enjoys every experience. Thank you.’
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘Very thought provoking. Great to get people talking. Interesting to observe levels of engagement. I loved it all! I liked the reference was made to how may help our clients.’
Adviser, Citizens Advice, BCP, Dorset
‘Really interesting session. Found the exploration of the reasons behind why young people use drugs and coping strategies really valuable. Information and training on peer pressure and coping mechanisms would be great for us.’
Youth support worker, Enham Trust, Eastleigh
‘Appreciate your honesty, anecdotes, your integrity and thanks.’
Youth support worker, Enham Trust, Eastleigh
‘Always a pleasure being in the presence of Stacey! Fantastic training, very informative and kept everyone engaged. I look forward to the next one.’
Acting manager, Solent Youth Action, Eastleigh
‘Thank you for the sessions it was informative and fun!’
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Eastleigh
‘Very engaging session, learnt lots of great, useful advice and information to help working with young people.’
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Eastleigh
‘Definitely the best lesson we’ve had on drugs. Like the personal stories and not telling us what to do but giving us the facts.’
Year 9 student, Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth
‘I thought I knew about drugs loads but clearly not! I did not know about all the law changes with weed and that CBD oil doesn’t even get you stoned! Cheers for a good day miss.’
Year 9 student, Applemore School, Hythe, Hampshire
‘It was really nice to be off timetable today and have lessons on drugs, relationships and stuff about life! Stacey is right, we need to talk about being safe when we are out with our friends especially over the summer holidays and after lockdown being lifted.’
Year 9 student, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Thank you for the interactive training, Its great to refresh knowledge and have a safe space to discuss topics.’
Tutor, Acacia Training, Stoke on Trent
‘Thank you Stacey I have found the session really informative – its always a difficult subject but have found you really engaging.’
Tutor, Acacia Training, Stoke on Trent
‘I feel this had helped me have more information regarding domestic abuse. I want to be able to talk to my friends about this and hopefully this will help me to help someone else.’
Tutor, Acacia Training, Stoke on Trent
‘Loved this session. time flew! it is a very difficult and emotive topic however you approach, honesty and awareness of the sensitively of the topic was inspiration.’
Tutor, Acacia Training, Stoke on Trent
‘I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for a wonderful conference today for our young people. They were so inspired by all of the workshops and your enthusiasm, which was so lovely to see. We are meeting up again in the morning to brainstorm more ideas and they will be delivering these to myself and the rest of the SLT next Wednesday.’
Assistant Headteacher, Testwood School, Totton, Hampshire
‘Our students are REALLY enjoying the day today and are getting a lot out of the speakers. They are interested in setting up a wellbeing mentoring scheme for their peers and their younger years and its lovely to see them all scribbling notes down as the speakers share their expertise.’
Teacher, Burgate School, Hampshire
‘The New Forest Youth Conference 2021 actively involved pupils in the progress of how we approach mental health and wellbeing in our schools. A brilliant event led by Stacey Miller that touched upon how we deal with bereavement, anxiety, expressing ourselves and our overall happiness.’
Head of English, New Forest Academy, Hampshire
‘Useful update on statistics surrounding bereaved students and suicides. I’m going to try the paper chain advice task in a PSHE session I’m delivering next week and we’ll definitely use the Goodbye letter in the future as well as create a new page on our website to signpost resources like this and websites that parents can also use at home.’
Assistant Head Teacher, John Hanson School, Andover, Hampshire
‘Bereavement webinar full of lots of interesting facts, and lots of lovely ideas to use with others and for self. Can see the paper chain idea being a real goer ! All facts, examples and the interactive chat helpful in different ways. Very safe training for participants – we could easily take part or not take part in any/all of interactive questions and comments in chat. Always find your training sessions very thought provoking.’
Volunteer, Eastleigh LCP, Hampshire
‘I just wanted to say thank you so much for a very useful webinar, I learnt many new coping strategies of how to deal with a bereavement. These are skills I will be able to pass onto people I know as well as our service users. I also enjoyed how we were all able to have an input throughout the whole meeting and it certainly kept me very interested.’
Carers Information Advisor, Andover Mind, Hampshire
‘I very much enjoyed your webinar tonight on grief. It was very helpful in helping me understand the grief cycle which in turn will help me support my young people struggling with loss. Thank you for keeping what could be a very sombre subject enjoyable.’
Youth worker, It’s Your Choice, New Forest
‘I think all of our year groups should have lessons like these. I am looking forward to the rest of the sessions especially the mindfulness class as I hear a lot about it but don’t really know what it is. Liked Stacey and her personality.’
Year 10 student, Orminston Academy, Aveley, Essex
‘I’m not sure what to expect from this programme but if its going to help me with my stress then I cant wait! Like Stacey’s vibe.’
Year 10 student, Orminston Academy, Aveley, Essex
‘Anxiety is such a big thing for our year group at the moment and we appreciate guest speakers like Stacey coming in to teach us how to manage it.’
Year 11 student, John Hanson School, Andover
‘Really interesting lesson and I really like Stacey and how open and honest she is about her own life. Makes it more real. Also liked all the tips and strategies.’
Year 11 student, John Hanson School, Andover
‘I am very grateful for my daughters school putting on events like this. I know a lot already about you haven’t given me more ideas on how to help her with stress, anxiety and her exams.’
Parent, John Hanson School, Andover
‘Great webinar on stress and anxiety for teens! Can we have more often please. Mental health tips and info would be great on a regular basis. Thanks for your time Stacey, me and my boys will definitely benefit.’
Parent, John Hanson School, Andover
‘Stacey wrote a brand new course on peer pressure to meet our needs. Our members were able to explore positive and negative examples of peer pressure, all backed up with the theory and strategies to deal with. The young people I work with said the session was interesting, interactive and useful – as usual! Stacey is a natural trainer, who easily builds a rapport to create an engaging session – Thank you so much!’
Youth Commission Manager, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘I just wanted to say a great big Thank You for your presentation yesterday. The content was brilliant and so many of our students were engaging really well. I can only apologise for the debacle that a small minority caused. You were ever the professional though and carried on delivering amazing content and I thank you for that.’
Student Support & Events Officer, Farnborough College, Hampshire
‘I will be using the MI training to talk to young people about their problems and try to help them. Thank you Stacey for your enthusiasm and knowledge.’
Enrich volunteer, Hampshire
‘This training was really interactive and gave loads of opportunities to practise the skills taught. Following on from this many of the skills will try to be used in everyday life as well as work situations, especially OARS.’
Youth Commission volunteer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘Thank you very much for the interesting and engaging training. I will certainly be using MI to get a client to come up with a plan for the issues he is facing.’
Criminal Justice Mentor, Hampshire
‘Thank you for the Training session, really appreciate your time. Motivational Interviewing seems to apply to all relationships and situations in daily conversations.’
Youth Commission volunteer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘I found this workshop really good and better than I thought it would be. I didn’t realise there were signs to look out for before I get too stressed so ill keep an eye on this.’
Young person, Innovate Dorset
‘I normally hate these kind of lessons because I find them boring but to be fair its given me ideas on how to be less stressed and how I can help my mates.’
Young person, Innovate Dorset
‘I love the ruler! Thanks for a good training workshop on motivational interviewing.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Thanks Stacey. I am going to make an effort to ask more open questions, and to reinforce good behaviours.’
House master, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘It was a very useful session will use question techniques more when chatting to boys.’
House master, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Thanks for reminders of lots of techniques I have learned before but not necessarily implemented.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘It was a really useful session – will help me to get boys to take ownership of solving their own problems.’
House master, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘I enjoyed the session. Helpful tips and will certainly be using more affirmation in discussion with boys. Thanks!’
House master, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Thank you Stacey I found the workshop very interesting and helpful moving forward.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Thank you Stacey. We couldn’t (and wouldn’t) have done it without you and thank you for stepping in to cover at the beginning, you were awesome.’
Community Safety Manager, New Forest District Council
‘Despite the uncertain times we find ourselves in, the Eastleigh Youth Conference gave students across Eastleigh the chance to get together virtually and engage with some key charities and organisations from across the local area. Stacey Miller, the organiser and host, had an infectious energy that she passed to all of the students – it was so heart-warming to see them all dancing and laughing, and engaging with students from different schools and campuses. The energy really was contagious! The range of workshops really complimented the ‘Keep Safe’ theme, and the interactivity of the workshops was excellent – using playdough was a hit! All of the information given was relevant and age specific, and I even learnt a few things myself. After the success of this virtual conference, I would love to attend a face to face conference when Covid allows it – it would be fabulous to see Stacey in action in person. Well done Stacey for all of your hard work, and thank you for bringing all of our students together for such a fun, yet informative day.’
Learning Centre Manager & Learner Voice Coordinator, Eastleigh College
‘Stacey is very experienced in matters of drug & alcohol abuse and mental health. Stacey is very comfortable in any environment, ranging from 1:1 coaching sessions to large audiences of every age. Experienced at working in schools and colleges and equally amongst people of a more senior age. Stacey brings an abundance of personality and charisma, coupled with her creative presentation style will brighten any room. Attendees will enjoy Stacey’s presentation style and will also feel motivated to challenge their lifestyle.’
Information Systems Developer, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘I felt excited before this training as I know you were delivering it! I am really full of ideas and ready to start implementing them and making a difference where I work. I am going to take forward the practical tips like including mental health in staff inductions etc.’
Senior Early Years Practitioner, Bushy Leaze Children & Families Centre. Alton, Hampshire
‘I felt apprehensive before this training but I am going to take away absolutely loads, top tips to support staff, ideas for happy kits and developing coping strategies. I am now enthusiastic about what I can achieve.’
School lead matron, Beeston Hall School, Norfolk
‘As part of Mental Health Awareness Month and activities to focus on our people and teams during the pandemic, we invited Stacey to present, raise awareness and field questions around mental health, self care and how to help cope with the global pandemic. Taking the time to understand the target audience and areas of interest based on regions and cultures, Stacey adapted her styles and sessions to suit the audiences. Stacey’s experience, professionalism and energy shone throughout with an ability to relate content to personal experiences to make it real and plenty of interaction to engage the audience. We received nothing but positive feedback from attendees of all sessions and I wouldn’t hesitate to invite recommend her to others.’
Business Program Manager – People & Culture (MLGCS), Microsoft
‘I worked with Stacey when she approached me to be a speaker at the New Forest Conference, I was asked to speak about my story of living with an alcoholic parent. Stacey was very professional and since that event we’ve kept in touch, she is extremely knowledgeable in the world of drugs and alcohol and working with youths and young people. I highly recommend Stacey for training and speaking because she just knows what she’s talking about, and super cool with it as well!’
Independent trainer for families of alcoholics, Bournemouth, Dorset
‘Stacey is always amazing always makes training a laugh. I will be now trying one new thing a month and hope to encourage my friends as well. Thank you for always being a really positive but down to earth person.’
Youth worker, Energy youth centre, Eastleigh
‘I really liked how open and honest Stacey was about her own experiences. It made it feel like a safe space. I’m going to remind myself of the mindfulness and being present & focus on what I can control.’
Youth worker, Energy youth centre, Eastleigh
‘Lovely training session, felt really positive. Some great tips to use professionally & personal.’
Youth worker, Energy youth centre, Eastleigh
‘Very helpful session, really enjoyed it, and got lot’s from tonight. The realness of the training makes me relate so much more.’
Youth worker, YZone youth centre, Eastleigh
‘Fab! Perfectly pitched to the audience. Enthusiastic facilitation. Wish it could have been longer.’
Youth manager, Energy youth centre, Eastleigh
‘Thank you Stacey for delivering fun and informative training. As always I’ve learnt loads & plenty of positive ideas to take away to apply professionally & to my personal life too. Thanks again.’
Youth manager, YZone youth centre, Eastleigh
No training undertaken.
‘This lesson made me aware of mental health and coping methods. Thank you.’
Year 8 pupil, St Neots prep school, Hampshire
‘It was insightful and all the tips were really good.’
Year 8 pupil, St Neots prep school, Hampshire
‘When Covid 19 hit the nation and lockdown began, our greatest concern was the well-being of the young people we work with and their families. The pandemic itself was causing young people and their parents to feel overwhelmed, and it was important to enable those households to talk about their emotions so they could better understand them and manage them during this particularly challenging time. The Happy Kit enabled us to support families when we were forced to pause our services, extending an olive branch of support to vulnerable household and providing a tool that would help the young people feel more in control of how they were feeling. It is an excellent resource, and one that we continue to refer to when supporting our young people and families virtually.’
Chief executive officer, Solent Youth Action, Eastleigh, Hampshire
During the COVD-19 Pandemic, I took the bold step of taking my workshops online. This has enabled me to reach a wider audience.
In May 2020 Microsoft commissioned me to hold mental wellbeing webinars for the employees working from home in Asia, the Americas and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). I received some amazing feedback which you can see at the link below.
I wish I had better constructive feedback but it was a great way to start my morning. Her voice is really calming and I needed to hear those things – good timing and good delivery
She is very open and approachable and I like that she shared her personal experience too. Great tips which can easily be implemented as well
Good choice of presenter for this audience and she mentioned some really useful resources too! Perhaps a great follow up would be a list of those resources, so that the attendees for this session and the upcoming ones have a useful checklist of options they can explore
Nothing I didn’t like … but I have some great content on handling stress and building resilience which I think would also futureproof the team from mental health challenges 🙂
‘Really good introduction to CBT, gives you the basic knowledge to start to make changes at home or in your setting, good balance of interactive learning and listening.’
Family support worker, Bushy Leaze children and families centre, Alton, Hampshire
‘I feel much more informed and feel I can use some of this when seeing my students. I can also pass suggestions onto parents. AND I will practice on myself as well. Thank you.’
Pastoral support manager, Mountbatten School, Romsey, Hampshire
‘Great introduction to CBT, looking forward to getting the students back in school to try these techniques. Thank you for the course’
Pastoral support worker, Mountbatten School, Romsey, Hampshire
‘My name is Dave Penfold, I work at Bay House School in Gosport as the Citizenship / PSHRE Coordinator. We have recently purchased a wide variety of the education postcards from Stacey Miller Consultancy. We plan to use them both in our Emotional Support one to one sessions and also in our upcoming Mental Health Day for our Year 8 pupils. The postcards are great; they are bright, colourful, informative and something that we really feel that our pupils will keep hold of for future reference. I would definitely recommend that other schools and agencies working with young people should have a look at Stacey’s website as there is a huge array of useful resources at affordable prices.’
PSHE lead for Bayhouse School, Gosport, Hampshire
‘Great training session! Thought provoking and feeling motivated myself to make positive changes!’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Very good- covered different learning styles and would definitely recommend. Excellent training session with great examples and opportunities for interactive exercises. Thought provoking training. Thank you.’
Retired, Eastleigh.
‘A good knowledgeable trainer with a relaxed approach.’
Youth worker, Youthouse youth centre, West End, Hampshire‘
‘Excellent organisation and structure to the course.’
Youth worker, Youthouse youth centre, West End, Hampshire
‘Stacey is enthusiastic and knowledgeable and allows course participants to learn at their own pace.’
Tenancy management officer, New Forest District Council
‘Stacey was very interesting and knowledgeable. I would love to do more courses with her – very lovely lady.’
Youth worker, Youthouse youth centre, West End, Hampshire
‘The course was presented in a manner which kept the group engaged. You obviously have lots of knowledge about the subject.’
Youth worker, Youthouse youth centre, West End, Hampshire
‘A really interesting and engaging session and update of my drugs knowledge.’
Youth worker, Youthouse youth centre, West End, Hampshire
‘Very helpful, very good, well presented, well explained, very clear. Thank you.’
Student mentor, Brockenhurst College
‘Digestible information – easy to grasp the concepts- making what can be a difficult subject to learn accessible.’
Chief executive, Solent Youth Action, Hampshire
‘I found you very informative & helpful. Simplifying & condensing all information down really well.’
Hairdresser, Christchurch, Dorset
‘Very useful course particularly the section on NATS. Thank you very much!’
Communications officer, Radian housing, Hampshire
‘Very well presented & delivered. Good information & a start to build on my own knowledge on CBT. You must love your job you’re very good at it and your passion and knowledge is infectious. Thank u for giving up your own time to help others.’
Fitness instructor, New Forest Health and Leisure, Hampshire
‘Stacey is a brilliant coach and I implore you to meet up with her and have a chat to see how she can expertly help with your business.’
Director of the Gym Tin, Hampshire
‘Very interesting course delivered in a lovely relaxed non-threatening environment. Stacey’s a very motivational presenter. Great course thank you Stacey!’
‘This CBT course has helped me learn how to control the negative thoughts in my head and that in reality everything in life isn’t so bad. I can now learn to balance my thoughts + feelings with NAT challenging.’
Volunteer, Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire
‘Such an emotional & motivational speaker. Really enjoyed the course. Thank you.’
Foster carer, Poole, Dorset
Louis Ryan, Saints Foundation on a Primary Schools Youth Conference
‘This was one of the most fun training sessions I have ever done.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Very good as always.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Well done Stacey they are hard to keep engaged but you managed it well. Training always fun.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Brilliant & very interesting and eye opener.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Good content I personally will use some tips from today’s training.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Really appreciate the honesty and empathy.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Very good love your way of teaching and learning it’s fun, friendly and understanding.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Information on the laws was very helpful all of the content I would use to deliver in a programme and support to YMCA young people.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Stacey is a brilliant trainer. Enjoyed every training given and love your style of training especially when enrolling everyone.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
Stephanie Bull, Eastleigh Borough Council, 10th Youth Conference in Easteigh
‘You’re awesome.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Very positive and in-depth training full of information delivered in a way that will be remembered.’
Admin support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘Loved it really enjoyed it.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Always good content and up to date information. Well planned.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Very informative, interesting, keeping the lesson. Fun and easy to join in and remember info.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Explains in good detailing-content always interesting. Always fun make sure you keep up the good work Stacey Thank you.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘I would like to thank you sincerely for running your Mental Health Awareness session with us here at Amery last week. Your and grounded approach was appreciated by staff who particularly enjoyed the quiz which allowed them to discuss the topics in smaller groups and then broaden their knowledge with your overall input. This training has sparked positive conversations with colleagues about how best to approach certain students and indeed how best to support each other. Thank you for being understanding of a teacher’s workload and ensuring your suggestions were not ones which meant staff felt overloaded by yet another task to add to their list.’
Assistant Head Teacher, Amery Hill School, Hampshire
‘Great training as always, informative, interactive and gets the brain thinking.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Passionate about her subject, Stacey is a whirlwind of enthusiasm and knowledge. God bless her.’
Tenancy management officer, New Forest District Council
‘Excellent content very beneficial to me.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Very informative, exciting engaging learning experience.’
Admin support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘Excellent course really makes you think.’
Housing tenant, South Coast housing training event
‘Very well structured, fun, engaging and very informative. Thank you.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘It’s very useful to know how we change our mentality and advise others to do same.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘I enjoyed all activities that we did, they really stick in mind. Easy to remember and pass on. Thank you.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Great training as always, such passion and drive. Would recommend to everyone, as we can all benefit.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘Programme support cards are so helpful-content is great. Your training is so interesting and you keep people focused with your variety and fun. Thank you.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Just wanted to thank you for the excellent seminar on Friday, which I found useful, practical, informative and inspiring. Your enthusiasm was infectious! I hope the school will make more use of you and your training. I particularly liked the ‘gratitude’ session, and have been practising as you suggested. It is surprisingly effective. Interestingly, I am just back from the school’s start of year service in the cathedral at which our wonderful chaplain Justin White gave an address in which he talked about the transformative power of gratitude. I thought you would like that coincidence. So – lots to be grateful for!’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Fun interesting very competent course. (Thank you).’
Housing support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘It was so good to hear you speak to us at the beginning of term ( it seems an age ago now ). You are a breath of fresh air as a speaker and all that you say really comes from the heart. It makes such a difference when someone has genuine experience of what they are discussing, rather like a midwife who hasn’t given birth! I wish you every success with your consultancy and I hope we meet again, perhaps when you come to deliver more training to us.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Great presentation. Clear. Absorbing. Learned such a lot. Feel happier already’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Great training as always really makes a difference when the tutor has real lived experiences.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Basingstoke
‘I loved Stacey’s easy going style and delivery of this course.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘Was very interesting and fun kept us thinking all day.’
Housing support worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Wonderful! What a treat. Enlightened and fulfilled. Thank you.’
Matron, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘I didn’t realise sending nudes is illegal if you are under 18! This lesson taught me a lot!’
Year 9 pupil, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Really good informative session. Stacey built a rapport quickly with the group, using a variety of resources to maintain interest.’
Director, Enterprising South, Hampshire
‘I really liked this lesson, wasn’t preachy and educated us about healthy relationships.’
Year 9 pupil, Ringwood School, Hampshire
‘Relaxed training, loved the handouts, group work, learning other stories. Perfect to use for home life (my) and my own teens.’
School nurse, Winchester College, Hampshire
‘I learnt today that its normal to feel sad sometimes and that also everyone has some sort of anxiety. I don’t think many people my age know that so this lesson was good to say that.’
Year 9 pupil, John Hanson School, Andover, Hampshire
‘This course was interesting and informative. It was brief but covered many useful topics for working with young people.’
Counsellor, It’s Your Choice, Totton, Hampshire
‘Todays lesson was cool, we learnt about anxiety, depression and mental health, a very good lesson.’
Year 9 pupil, John Hanson School, Andover, Hampshire
‘Has motivated me to try and change and has given me more resources to use with young people.’
Drugs and alcohol schools worker, It’s Your Choice, Totton, Hampshire
‘We found this very interesting and learnt a lot of key things about life. We learnt that there are all types of apps and websites that can help you. Always be happy!’
Year 8 student, St Neots Prep school, Hampshire
‘This was nothing like school. Stacey came to our youth club tonight and talked about alcohol and how to drink responsibly and how to keep me and mates safe.’
Young person, age 15, Lymington youth club, Hampshire
‘Interesting to think about our surroundings and how we act. It got us to think about how our head functions and know that help is there if needed.’
Year 8 student, St Neots Prep school, Hampshire
‘It was interesting and was easy to understand as I now know what to do if i’m in a difficult situation or one of my friends are.’
Year 8 student, Hamble School, Hampshire
‘It was a good and interesting lesson where we learnt lots of important information, that will be very useful in life. Thank you.’
Year 8 student, St Neots Prep school, Hampshire
‘We enjoyed listening to personal experience and were inspired to make our lives better. Very interesting.’
Year 8 student, St Neots Prep school, Hampshire
‘Stacey rocks, she’s cool. No preaching just teaching.’
Young person, age 15, Lymington youth club, Hampshire
‘Clear, educational, helpful, interesting, breathing video was relaxing.’
Year 8 student, St Neots Prep school, Hampshire
‘I thought the tasks we were given were fun, and made us think and you could ask any questions without it being silly.’
Year 9 student, Wildern School, Hampshire
‘It’s helpful and friendly with kind staff who can help you and won’t be mean about your problems.’
Year 8 student, Hamble School, Hampshire
‘Excellent! It reinforced what I already knew but I learnt some new information.’
Pastoral Support Officer, Winton Community Academy, Andover
‘Amazing – everyone contributed something. The worksheets were so successful. The presenter was extremely good and put people at their ease immediately’
Volunteer Youth Worker, Lymington Youth Club, Lymington
‘Stacey’s style ensures everyone feels comfortable to contribute but she covers each section flawlessly.’
Youth Commission Project Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire
‘Thank you, really useful and has given me the tools to deliver workshops to both children and adults.
Family Support Worker, Spurgeons, Hampshire
‘The course was very good and well presented. The leader knew her subject very well.’
Tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Very lovely trainer who was friendly and approachable.’
Tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Informative and interestingly approached with humour. Good engagement with the group.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire
‘Very interactive and held my attention throughout. I really enjoyed it and it was very relevant to my role.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary
‘Very good training. Everything was clear and explained well. It was interactive making the day enjoyable. It was nice to not watch a PowerPoint.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary
‘I feel more confident about engaging with a victim who has experienced an offence in a chemsex environment. I won’t have to keep asking questions about the situation, will be able to concentrate on the offence being reported.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary
‘Great trainer – easy to listen to, enthusiastic, energetic, style of training with no PowerPoints and interaction was brilliant.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary.
‘Excellent training day, this should be rolled out to all front-line officers.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary
‘Informative and interesting approached with humour. Good engagement with the group.’
LAGLO Officer, Hampshire Constabulary.
‘Thank you, Stacey, fab training again!’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘I think your training is great. A good balance of physical and non-physical points – getting up, videos and talk.’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘Thank you for yet another fab training evening. You are a wealth of knowledge!’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘We would like to thank you for attending and presenting at our Wink evening on Wednesday. We were really pleased that for the first time some of our hard to reach parents attended. The feedback from them has been very positive.’
Head of Student Services, Wildern school, Hedge End
‘Really enjoyed the course. You have a very relaxed approach to getting the point of the course delivered in an interesting way!’
Tadley and District Community Association
‘The handouts are good and getting us to do exercises as well as quizzes. So it is interactive and not just listening.’
Girl guiding Basingstoke
‘Very engaging, knowledgeable and down to earth. Great refresher and learnt some new things.
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘Thank you! Great training, very informative and best drugs training I have received.’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘Very informative and Stacey is very knowledgeable with up to date information. Friendly and approachable – easy to listen to.’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘Great techniques, straight to the point. Not too much digression from the point.’
Youth Worker, YZone Youth Club, Eastleigh
‘At first I thought, do I want to loose three hours of my evening, but I didn’t lose – I gained. Thank you.’
Youth Worker, Basingstoke and Dean Council
‘I found it very helpful and informative. You explained it very clearly.’
Youth Worker, Tadley Youth Centre
‘Fab! Really enjoyed the environment you created and all the learning is so valuable. Thank you!’
Director, Wellbeing Creatures, Eastleigh
‘Upbeat and useful workshop on self-esteem. Stacey is motivational and interesting. Thank you!’
Councillor, It’s Your Choice, Totton
‘Thanks for a lovely afternoon full of useful information. Your style of training holds my attention throughout.’
Youth Commission Co-ordinator, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘Thank you Stacey for another great training session. Always informative and interesting. It went too quickly.’
School Nurse, Winchester College
‘It’s always a pleasure attending your training! Your energy is great and the learning always feels casual’
Independent Social Worker, Hampshire
‘I enjoyed the beginning task as you get your view out and see what other people think in comparison’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘I thought the quiz was a really good idea for doing your own sessions with youth groups having the names around the room as well, will definitely be trying that.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘All the truths and lies about weed. Also all the different words for drugs and what the listen out for.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
December 2018
‘An excellent course. Great content and useful resources.’
Pastoral Support Worker, Bournemouth Collegiate School
‘A good introduction to a difficult subject.’
Youth Worker, Tadley Youth Centre, Hampshire
‘Fantastic energy and passion delivered by Stacey.’
Parent, Basingstoke
‘Stacey was warm, engaging and knowledgeable. I thoroughly enjoyed the session.’
Youth Worker, The Warren Youth Club, Basingstoke
November 2018
Amanda Adams, Health and Wellbeing Manager, Eastleigh Borough Council regarding the Eastleigh youth conference: Amanda Adams EBC testimonial
October 2018
‘Great session, great tutor and other attendees.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Excellent teaching as usual.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘A real pleasure. Thought provoking.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Very informative course. Fun and life enhancing.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘It was good. I wouldn’t change anything. Make the lesson two hours.’
Year 10 student, Applemore College, Hampshire
‘I enjoyed learning about drugs and how to stay safe. I didn’t think anything needed improvement. 10/10.’
Year 10 student, Applemore College, Hampshire
‘I found this lesson interesting as I found out what different of drugs there are. I wouldn’t change anything.’
Year 10 student, Applemore College, Hampshire
‘I liked this lesson because I learned about different drugs, which ones are illegal and what they do to you. I also learned what the risks are for drugs and the consequences.’
Year 10 student, Applemore College, Hampshire
‘Thank you Stacey for a really positive and informative training day. Your personality and optimistic approach made it really enjoyable and it went very quickly.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
‘Fantastic and fun exploration of mental health made really accessible by the lovely Stacey.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
‘An excellent, upbeat and informative day. Practical ideas on how to help myself and others.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
‘Such a dynamic interesting four hours. Really engaging teaching style with chances to participate – kept us focused.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
‘Stacey was fantastic – so knowledgeable. Easy to listen to and helpful in giving me confidence in talking to young people.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
‘I loved your enthusiasm, energy and knowledge. Everybody should have a day with Stacey.’
School Nurse Winchester college Hampshire
July, August and September 2018
No training undertaken
June 2018
‘Stacey was really engaging. She brought the topic alive. She kept my interest and enthusiasm throughout the course. Thanks.’
Social Worker, Coastal Social Work, Hampshire
‘Excellent introduction and good links for resources’
Pastoral Support worker, Wyvern School, Basingstoke
‘Really Great insight into CBT with a variety of activities.
Participation officer, Portsmouth City Council
‘Found this really useful. Loads of stuff to take back to work as well as personally’
PIPPA Coordinator, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘I loved this, I wish it was longer and I look forward to working with you again in the future. Thank you.’
HR and Recruitment Manager, Ideal Collection, Southampton
‘Stacey’s training is interactive, insightful and engaging. Great if you want to understand yourself and help your clients at the same time.
Vice President of Welfare, Bournemouth University
May 2018
Priestlands school assemblies, lessons and parents evening, read below for testimonials:
Priestlands testimonial letter
Young person testimonial from the Wise Up project
April 2018
‘Made training so interesting and an easy way to learn! Great trainer/educator. Loved that it didn’t involve a PowerPoint.’
Youth Manager, The Warren Youth Club, Basingstoke
‘Great course, fun and interesting.’
Support Worker, Inclusion Hampshire
‘Very informative and clear workshop from Stacey. Thoroughly enjoyed it!’
Youth Volunteer, The Warren Youth Club, Basingstoke
‘Good pace and variety of activities to keep us interested.’
Volunteer Support Group Leader, Basingstoke and Dean Borough Council
‘Delivered really well by the trainer. Relaxed session and inclusive. Very good extra information on the handout’
Pastoral Support Worker, Inclusion Hampshire
March 2018
‘I work in a Key Stage 1 setting with high levels of poverty, special educational needs and emotional children and families. I plan to start doing daily mindfulness with my class to set them up for the day. I am looking forward to adapting the ideas to suit children.’
Teacher, Trosnant Junior School, Havant
‘- Very well paced.
– Great Exercises.
– Lots of food for thought.
– Great tips for clients.
– It was great for myself as well as for helping others.’
Money Advice and Benefits Advisor, Vivid Homes, Hampshire
‘Today was great for myself personally, my partner and my work! Stacey is the only teacher I have ever actually listened and payed attention to. She always grabs my attention and I have never wanted to go to talks or training before. I will be taking so much back from this not only for me but so many others.’
Independent Domestic Violence Advocate, Aurora New Dawn
‘Stacey delivers training in an accessible and meaningful way that speaks to you. I feel I can take things away and actually implement and extend beyond today. Tone of training was really good. Useful tips for real life.’
Sheltered Housing Officer, Winchester City Council
‘Good introduction to a fascinating subject. Has inspired me to find out more.’
Teaching Assistant, John Hanson Community School, Andover
‘Lots of useful ideas for us to take back to our primary school.
– Breathing exercises for children.
– Mindfulness colouring eg lunch club.
Also we will use lots of the ideas and resources to do mindfulness with the staff to promote staff well-being. Thank you!’
Teacher, Harestock primary school, Winchester
‘Found it really interesting. I wish it could be a longer course – 2 days.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Devon
‘Another informative, fun and above all memorable training. Can’t wait for the next!’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Devon
February 2018
‘The wise up project seems cool. We get to learn about drugs, sexting, anxiety, internet safety stuff and feeling better in ourselves and we also get vouchers if we are good!’
Year 8 pupil, Noadswood school, Hythe, Hampshire
‘Really enjoyed this programme, I already work with challenging behaviours but I learnt a lot.’
Youth worker, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
‘Fantastic training on professional boundaries for staff. They will be more equipped now to deal with boundary crossings and violations.’
Youth worker, Energy youth centre, Eastleigh
‘Awesome debate about weed (cannabis) which I really enjoyed talking about and Stacey was good at answering all of our questions. I learnt a lot about other drugs as well.’
Year 10 pupil, Rookwood school, Andover
‘I learnt about the dangers of lots of different drugs but also how to keep safe when im out with my friends and to look out for them too.’
Year 10 pupil, Rookwood school, Andover
‘I didn’t know much about the wise up project til today and actually, it sounds good. I am looking forward to the lessons on gaming as I know I game too much and I am looking forward to the lesson on drugs as some of my family take drugs but I don’t know much about it.’
Year 8 pupil, Noadswood school, Hythe, Hampshire
January 2018
‘Stacey is a delightful sparkly and engaging presenter; her knowledge of CBT is strong, and she holds a space with great warmth.’
Youth worker, Kings Arms youth club, Hampshire
‘A well balanced fun training course with inspired debate around bullying – trainers were passionate about their material and I enjoyed hearing about their experience teaching bullying in schools.’
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Worker, Solent NHS
‘Absolutely awesome. Thank you for your lively, engaging and informative study day.’
School nurse, Lord Wandsworth college, Hampshire
‘A brilliant course with a relaxed, friendly atmosphere which made me really think and question my work boundaries.’
Youth worker, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
‘I enjoyed your smiles and cheerfulness it was especially nice when you called people by their names.’
Youth worker, Kings Arms youth club, Hampshire
‘As a mum I feel I was not understanding my daughters’ feelings or how I can help her. Thank you for the information and worksheets. I believe they will be very helpful and now I feel better equipped to understand and help her with her feelings of stress and being anxious in social surroundings.’
Mother, Totton, Hampshire
‘Great trainers, engaging and fun activities that were different.’
Children’s Services Practitioner, NSPCC
‘This has helped me a lot as I am a very negative thinker and by how learning to break my thoughts down and change them I can be more positive.’
Youth worker, Kings Arms youth club, Hampshire
‘Really detailed and informative training. Absolutely brilliant.’
Outreach Worker, Aurora New Dawn, Hampshire
December 2017
‘Relaxed atmosphere, friendly and knowledgeable trainers. Very wonderful.’
Housing adviser, Vivid homes, Hampshire
‘Quality lesson on drugs, the teacher knew her stuff’.
Year 11 student
‘It was a very helpful and informative training. I had very little knowledge about bullying. I have learned so much and I enjoyed it.’
Volunteer, The United Voices of African Associations
‘Brilliant course, very useful in my work practice understanding in how schools deal with bullying.’
Foster carer, Southampton City Council
‘I learnt about lots of bad things about drugs but also why sometimes people take them.’
Year 11 student
‘Brilliant training day. Lots of opportunity for discussing. A range of activities and terminology explained. will definitely use the resources and knowledge gained from the day. Thank you!’
Housing adviser, Vivid homes, Hampshire
‘The course was really good and I really enjoyed being part of this training. The course tutors were really good ad made the whole course fun and engaging.’
Volunteer, Hampshire Youth Commission
‘Thank you for a brilliant day. Lots of fantastic information and activities to keep all engaged.’
Emotional Wellbeing Lead, Cantell school, Southampton
November 2017
‘Enjoyed the training had fun elements as well as being very informative and nice to have a trainer who has a big knowledge of such a wide subject matter. Actually having a variety of tools that can be used in our working environment (prisons).’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘Very engaging training, informative but still very fun. Came away with a good understanding of CBA/CBT.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘Well done on being able to keep a happy balance – recognising when it was getting a bit too heavy – very good training day.’
Traffic and Parking Manager, East Hampshire District Council
‘Absolutely loved Stacey’s way of training. informative but fun and interactive. would highly recommend her teaching style! I’d love to do all her courses.’
Reiki master, The REAL therapy room, Hampshire
‘Informative and engaging day, with lots of sharing – quite therapeutic.’
Tenancy support officer, Winchester City Council
‘I enjoyed the day. Excellent use of different training styles. Thank you.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘Great worksheets to take away and use, learnt about things really relevant to the work done in the prison. Stacey made the training really enjoyable and relaxed which made it easier to contribute if a little shy, she broke things down so they are understandable and memorable. Thank you.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘Love how chirpy & enthusiastic Stacey is makes the training more interesting and not just like homework away from home. Feel comfortable asking questions too.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘Good training – really interactive. Felt comfortable and learned a lot.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
October 2017
‘Some very useful facts/figures that I can use in the yr7 tutor programme to support ABW. Good to share my thoughts on patents using FB I have some ideas what to do now. Thanks for the pens too.’
Head of year 7, Thornden school, Eastleigh
‘The statistics are useful knowledge. Ideas for sessions-eg values/beliefs. Passion of presenter.’
Youth worker, Groundwork Solent, Eastleigh
‘Lots of useful information delivered in a short time, Nailed it! As always looking forward to using your resources.’
Youth worker, Basingstoke YMCA
‘This is an excellent course- very informative and well facilitated. The teaching methods worked really well. I have more confidence about dealing with bullying and lots of new ideas. I will pass the learning on to my team of 30 facilitators. Thanks!’
Director, Southampton Families Trust
‘Very professional, also fun! Learnt a lot, very enjoyable.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘A very targeted course that will help me with supporting my young people be safely educated. Helping me underpinning my knowledge to support others. I work with YP in Southampton, many have had problems in past. This will help me support them safely train and underpin my spotting of bullying.’
Skills to Achieve tutor, Enham Trust, Southampton
‘A very informative and accessible day that has increased my understanding of a very complex issue.’
Therapeutic Group Worker, No Limits, Southampton
‘Very informative, interactive, educational and fun delivery. Not a dull moment and has left me wanting to learn more.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Very, very & very again good- better & better. Heavy subject, well presented.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Very professional, motivating and useful information. With the stresses of life today and associated issues everyone should do this course.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Excellent, engaging very well presented, good time management overall excellent instructor. Good clear voice and good visual aids.’
Housing tenant, South coast housing training conference
‘Brilliantly presented. The presenters and a real sense of a safe space. Thank you. I feel very in empowered.’
Breakout youth worker, No Limits, Southampton
July 2017
‘Stacy is an interesting and inspirational teacher.’
Family support worker, Youth and Families Matter, Totton, Hampshire
‘Thank you Stacey! Lots of new ideas that we can incorporate into our current scheme of work. Fab to leave with a USB stick full of useful stuff.’
Teacher, Wildern school, Eastleigh, Hampshire
‘Fast paced, loved it. would like to stayed another hour.’
Learning support assistant, Eastleigh College, Hampshire
‘Always a pleasure to be with such an upbeat and positive trainer – Thanks Stacy!’
Equality and Campaigns Coordinator, Bournemouth University
‘Great overview on CBT – useful for working with young people and easy to apply to work situations. -Thank you.’
Learning support assistant, Eastleigh College, Hampshire
‘I have attended training with Stacy before, its always very good, engaging, lots of information and delivered excellently. Many Thanks.’
Family support worker, Hampshire County council
‘Excellent day. Good pace. Lots of variety with humour winning combination!’
Student support manager, Applemore college, Hythe, Hampshire
‘Engaging and informative training session with 2 knowledgeable facilitators who were approachable and happy to answer questions. Thank you!’
Family support worker, Hampshire County council
‘I’ve had a good day training, Stacy you were easy to listen to and liked your delivery style and personality!- well done you!!’
Substance use recovery worker, Catch 22, Hampshire
‘Really enjoyed the training. Thank you so much really explained my knowledge around this subject!’
Mental health support worker, Solent MInd
‘Brilliant day, so informative and fun.’
Inclusion support worker, Applemore College, Hythe, Hampshire
June 2017
‘Excellent training it made me realise/aware of own boundaries and where I could improve. Also more aware of consequences for less obvious crossing of boundaries.’
Next Steps project worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Stacey and Kailea were really engaging and funny. It was really laid back and none of the tasks dragged on, which was good!’
IDVA, Aurora New Dawn, Hampshire
‘Really enjoyable training session, vast examples and interactivity within the session. Looking forward to other training courses in future.’
Young carers project worker, One Community Eastleigh
‘Great session-very reflective able to have open conversations with rest of the group.’
Assistant principal, Oasis Mayfield
‘Fantastic training course. I feel like I have learned so much today…. I wish I’d done this at the beginning of my employment.’
Young carers project officer, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Found this training extremely informative and useful for the line of work I will be engaging in. Extremely relevant and well presented. Thoroughly enjoyed and beneficial day. Thank you.’
Youth worker, Youth and Families Matter, Totton, Hampshire
‘This training has really opened my eyes and understanding. It is going to be a big part of my new engagement programs. Thank you.’
Community Engagement officer, YMCA Basingstoke
‘Really enjoyable and engaging-incredibly informative. Really good coffee and nice to have bananas and biscuits. Thank you very much.’
Crime prevention officer, Hampshire Police
May 2017
‘Thought this was very useful and engaging. Quite refreshing and reminding us on more ways that we can positively help our young people effectively. Also felt it can help ourselves as individuals not just with young people.’
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Hampshire
‘Full of energy. Not a boring PowerPoint talking at you. Interactive!’
Director of Herb House Spa, Lime Wood Hotel, Hampshire
‘Stacey was very engaging and kept my interest the whole time. I learnt a lot and would recommend her courses.’
Housing adviser, Aster housing, Hampshire
‘Fantastic update, relevant up to date delivered in your usual enthusiastic manner. Great resources. Thank you.’
Drugs and alcohol outreach worker, It’s Your Choice, Hampshire
‘I feel it very useful, especially the strategies to help young people. Positive thinking is really impressive as well.’
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Hampshire
‘I enjoyed the enthusiasm Stacey has shown in the training that has kept me engaged throughout the session.’
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Hampshire
‘Positive, accessible and practical ideas and information for supporting youngsters and reflecting on personal delivery style. Thanks Stacey! ‘
Youth worker, Solent Youth Action, Hampshire
‘Really informative training which will certainly help me to manage our customers & approach in a different way to suit their needs.’
Tenancy support officer, Aster housing, Dorset
‘I liked the delivery of this training. Excellent learning materials & fun way to learn.’
Tenancy support officer, Aster housing, Wiltshire
‘Really informative training, very much enjoyed lovely to have interactive training rather then power point. Excellent.’
Digital and Partnership Engagement Manager, Aster housing, Dorset
April 2017
‘Very knowledgeable tutor- a good mix of activities throughout to promote learning. Thank you for the handouts they will be used in practise with our residents.’
Housing support officer, Bournemouth YMCA
‘Excellent training. Will definitely help me in my role both as support worker and as team leader. But will also use what I’ve learnt outside YMCA as well.’
Chaplaincy manager, Bournemouth YMCA
‘It’s very useful and was easy to follow. There were plenty of resources that provided really important information.’
Youth commissioner, Office Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘Really good!
Helpful and useful!
Really well put together!
Overall really good!’
Youth commissioner, Office Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘I found the information about signs off preventing unhealthy relationships really interesting and useful.’
Youth commissioner, Office Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire
‘The training was excellent, so much useful and practical information to take away. Great pace and level of discussion, got a lot out of it.’
Student counsellor, Bournemouth University
‘Really enjoyed the training- Stacey is really inspirational and makes the training interesting as well as factual.’
Green & Volunteering Projects Coordinator, Bournemouth University
‘Brilliant open approach. Learnt lots. Very educational and relaxed, comfortable atmosphere.’
Democracy Coordinator, Bournemouth University
‘Thank you so much Stacey- already buzzing with ideas of future trainings to work with you on.’
Equality and Campaigns Coordinator, Bournemouth University
‘Really enjoyed the course! Nice relaxed pace but very interactive at the same time. Very useful learning and great handouts.’
Anti Social Behaviour Support Worker, Victim Support
‘Really enjoyed Stacey’s delivery style bubbly, dynamic, informative and clear.’
Adept support worker, EC Roberts centre, Portsmouth
‘It was a very enjoyable, interactive day of training, very enjoyable and informative. Loved the bingo!’
Watch Manager, Business Fire Safety, Hampshire Fire and Rescue
‘Good workshop. Would really help people who do not know about CBT and want to know ways to apply it with themselves or clients.’
Recovery worker, Society St James, Hampshire
‘You have been amazing, very interesting, full of interactive activities and time flew. Very insightful and I will use techniques with clients.’
Heads Up Project Co-ordinator, Solent Mind
March 2017
‘This was amazing better than anything I ever did at uni for 3 years CBT degree! Thank you.’
CBT lead, EDP drug and alcohol services
‘I found the lesson informative and helpful. I’m glad that I can now recognise the jargon and the laws surrounding it.’
Year 9 student, John Hanson school, Andover, Hampshire
‘Stacey was brilliant! I’ve taken so many ideas from the day, and Stacey was really good at sharing resources. It was a great day for building a strong tool kit.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Great talk, Thank you! I’m taking great ideas to use not only at home but in my work place. Clear facts and helpful ideas/tips plenty of information and internet links.’
Housing adviser, Andover foyer, Hampshire
‘Stacey is an excellent trainer! Very engaging and fun; informative and enjoyable. Excellent resources, links and tools. Would happily attend other courses run by Stacey!’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Thank you Stacey! Lots of great info on warning signs, symptoms, coping strategies. Great to have on USB stick so I can go over it again.’
Mobile crèche manager, Hampshire
‘Really enjoyable day of training with great value and useful in a practical way. Will be able to expand on tools I use already. A very informative study day.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Excellent training day with diverse delivery, accommodating a variety of learning styles great knowledge of the subject.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘I found this lesson interesting and I learnt a lot about cannabis and effects of it.’
Year 9 student, John Hanson school, Andover, Hampshire
‘I really enjoyed this training and found it to be very relevant to my own work and how I can apply it to my own working style. I also enjoyed how interactive it was.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug and alcohol services
February 2017
‘Brilliant training session with wonderful trainer. I feel more confident and comfortable tackling mental health both professionally and personally.’
Next step adviser, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Stacey you are an excellent trainer!! I thoroughly enjoyed the range of activities and you came across as so enthusiastic with your subject. A real delight ! It’s been a pleasure, so thanks.’
Environmental health manager, Winchester City Council
‘This has been the most interesting training I have been on for a very long time. I learnt so much and it was totally relevant to what I need for our students.’
Pastoral lead for KS4, Crestwood college, Eastleigh, Hampshire
Very enjoyable session, it’s amazing how much you can learn in 2 hours. Thank you.’
Customer services manager, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘Hard to keep a session based around mental health light and still informative, but you did! Thanks.’
IT technician, The Point Theatre, Eastleigh, Hampshire
‘Excellent training day with positive and enthusiastic leads. Good day and useful.’
Needle exchange recovery worker, Poole Borough Council
‘Programme was excellent! Activities were powerful & engaging useful to use at work & study.’
Medical student, Southampton University
‘Really informative and down to earth you make it easy to understand and access.’
Deputy head teacher, Rookwood school, Andover, Hampshire
‘A really fun session. I don’t feel bored during your sessions.’
Youth worker, Pennington Action Group, Hampshire
‘Very inspiring day and also informative I really enjoyed the whole day.’
Youth worker in charge, Pennington Action Group, Hampshire
January 2017
‘Thank you so much for the great training day you delivered on the 5th Jan to our students and staff at GHS. It was great to see most of our students join in and listen and participate with the training sessions. Not always an easy task with our students. The staff enjoyed the day to and we have been using some of the resources that you left us to work with individuals and groups in circle times. Many thanks for a great and informative day.’
Care Manager, Grateley House School, Hampshire
‘Hard to keep a session based around mental health light and still informative, but you did! Thanks.’
Technician, The Point Theatre, Eastleigh
‘Very enjoyable session, it’s amazing how much you can learn in two hours. Thank you.’
Customer service manager, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘I thoroughly enjoyed the training. I think Stacey’s approach is very engaging by making the process interactive.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Brilliant facilitator. Kept everyone engaged throughout the day. Mixture of learning methods. Really friendly and relaxed.’
Recovery worker, Portland prison, Dorset
‘You are very knowledgeable and approachable. Reacted very well to group and managed the group well!’
Recovery worker, Exeter prison, Devon
‘Very enjoyable training course that made people feel comfortable enough to discuss personal issues.’
Environmental health officer, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘Excellent course- nice techniques better than PowerPoint!
– good tips thanks Stacey.
– dealt very professionally with sensitive subject.’
Housing officer, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘Excellent course, really engaging in a easy to understand way without the use of jargon. Glad I attended!’
IT support technician, Eastleigh Borough Council
‘Stacey’s personality is a key to her success. Stacey comes across as real honest and knowledgeable.’
Mentoring youth lead, Basingstoke Voluntary Action
‘Stacey is very knowledgeable in what she teaches, her training sessions area always fun and informative- I’ve attended 3 or 4 now and already looking for more!’
Youth worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Fabulous trainer and a great course. Would recommend to anyone.’
Parent support adviser, Winton academy, Hampshire
‘Excellent course- lots of top tips for motivational interviewing.’
Housing officer, Aster Housing, Dorset
‘Great course, Stacey went into the subject deeply and explained everything well so that it could be used practically.’
Active Lifestyles Manager, New Forest District Council
‘Everyone would benefit from attending to help with personal interactions as well as professional.’
Business Development Manager, New Forest District Council
‘Helpful course with good insight in to behavioural change and the ways MI can help it. Delivered in a friendly and relaxed manor perfect for Friday afternoon.’
Sport and Play Development Officer, New Forest District Council
‘Really useful information delivered in a good format.’
Participation officer, Portsmouth City Council
November 2016
‘Stacey made the content relevant to our specific workplaces which kept it interesting. Was able to give clear examples of how we could use technique s in our daily work. She had good patience and spent time checking understanding although she had ensured that the content was easy to follow.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Found the bingo game fun and helpful. Good thing to talk about as people usually hide it.’
Year 10 pupil, John Hanson school, Andover, Hampshire
‘Thank you. A great approach and a really good refresher. I like your delivery, very honest and real!’
Pastoral officer, Wyvern College, Eastleigh
‘I thought this training was very well planned. Stacey was attentive facilitator and covered all of the topics in good time and good depth. 10/10.’
Recovery worker, Dartmoor prison, Devon
‘I’ve found from personal experience ” it’s good to talk”. It has been a beneficial 1.5 hours out of my working day to think about the issues and remember what talking can do.’
Communications officer, New Forest District Council
‘Stacey was very enthusiastic and made the content interesting, she went out of her way to make the session relevant to each of our working environment!’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Very well informed speaker, spoke from the heart having experienced problems herself. Generous and empathetic personality. Thank you.’
Planning officer, New Forest District Council
‘Very lovely lady, easy to learn from and was very understandable. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot. Thank you.’
Recovery worker, EDP drug services, Dorset
‘Good lesson positive personality made it a nice environment for a not so nice topic.’
Year 10 pupil, John Hanson school, Andover, Hampshire
‘Extremely professional and enthusiastic excellent knowledge and experience of the subject area and beyond, would definitely recommend – plus brilliant extra resources to boot!’
Recovery worker, Exeter prison, Devon
‘Thank you Stacey I found the course enough information that will help me support our students. Perfect.’
School nurse, Petersfield school, Hampshire
October 2016
‘Having been on many courses, this has been by far the most informative and useful with real life realistic strategies to take back to school. Thank you!’
Head of year, Thornden school, Hampshire
‘Fantastic course. It was light hearted session for quite a tough subject.’
Youth engagement officer, Test Valley Borough Council
‘Absolutely Fab! The whole day has been very informative and prompted a lot of discussion.
Thank you.’
Parent support adviser, Winton Academy, Hampshire
‘Excellent really useful information and better understanding.’
Head of year, Bourne Academy school, Bournemouth
‘Enjoyed it very much. It was very useful and I will recommend it to my GP’s practice.’
Youth coordinator, Pennington Community Action Group
‘A really interesting fun and informative day. So much information without feeling bog down.’
Pastoral support worker, Barton Peveril college, Hampshire
‘A well thought through training, paced nicely and lovely atmosphere to learn in.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Very informative session in a happy environment. Stacey is a breath of fresh air- honest and open. We all need one.’
PA, Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire
‘Very useful, excellent opportunity to share experiences and be open about such common problems we all experience at some time in our life’s.’
Culture arts officer, Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire
September 2016
‘I can honestly say I have not enjoyed training as much for a long time and I have learnt such a lot. Thank you.’
Customer Involvement and Community Development Manager, Aster Housing, Dorset
‘Stacey has a unique training style. She imports a lot of knowledge in a friendly down to earth but relevant way.’
Tenancy support officer, Winchester City Council
‘Excellent training. Lots of information presented in a short timescale and presented in a very clear concise and engaging manner.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘A mixture of hard facts, useful information and engaging anecdotes. Thanks Stacey!’
Parent support adviser, Wyvern school, Eastleigh
‘MI skills will be really useful in job role-really enjoyed the training. I liked the examples of how to do MI techniques in a quick way (eg the way you ask questions you can incorporate MI in minutes not over hours and hours)’.
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Thank you Stacey – Fun and informative as usual.’
Assistant head, Thornden school, Hampshire
‘Relaxed atmosphere, superbly informative/helpful, great tips that are useful! Real engaging useful tools. Thank you.’
Pastoral team, Romsey school, Hampshire
‘Really useful information and group discussion. I really like the training approach. Very personal and passionate. The information packs are really useful.’
Rent arrears officer, Winchester City Council
‘Stacey was brilliant, she knew exactly what she was talking about and considering she has had real life experience with addiction etc, I found her really easy to listen to and to learn from.’
PCSO, Test valley police
‘Informative and relaxed. I liked the interaction element rather than.! “death by PowerPoint”.’
IDVA, Southampton City Council
‘Self-harm video – was excellent and very powerful. Will definitely use tools/material with youth groups.’ ‘Love the rainbow journal.’
Young Carer’s project worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Excellent training. I got so much information and learned so much. Thank you Stacey. I love the style and way you delivered this training, I really enjoyed this training. This will definitely help me in my role at work and I feel confident because of the information I have been given.’
Women’s project officer, Women’s Aid, Southampton
‘Excellent delivery, interesting content.’
Probation officer, Hampshire Community Rehabilitation Company
‘Inspiring! Will look to engage with YC in the future.’
Business contract manager, Homegroup, Hampshire
‘Many thanks Stacey. Lots of info/links/advise all up to date and relevant.’ Really helpful at the time of day/term/year.’
PSHE Coordinator, Thornden school
‘Brilliant, useful and has made me think about what session plans we can do with our CSE service users. Thank you!’
U Turn project worker, Barnardos
‘Really interesting. I knew nothing about them before but can see how important it is to get the right message across.’
Safeguarding officer, Portsmouth College
‘Very informative, easy to follow and interesting! Will be using this in lessons in September!’
PSHE Coordinator, Priestlands school, Lymington, Hampshire
‘Relevant up to date presented in true Stacey Miller fashion which enables me to feed back to my colleagues and YP easily with confidence.’
Education Interventions officer, Rushmoor Borough Council
‘Knowledgeable, factual, informative, professional wonderful training.’
PIPPA training and development coordinator, Southampton Voluntary Services
June 2016
‘I found this training course very useful and informative. I now feel more knowledgeable on the subject.’
Teacher, Romsey school, Hampshire
‘Very educational and will help me when I’m older. So helpful and I am glad I know this for the future.’
Year 8 student, St Neots prep school, Hampshire
‘Some training can be boring but the time flew as it was interesting and facilitator was fun in her presentation of a difficult subject.’
Parent support coordinator, Parent Support Link, Southampton
‘Lots of useful information delivered in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.’
Teacher, Romsey school, Hampshire
‘Thank you so much for the lesson, you are very inspiring and you are very kind.’
Year 8 student, St Neots prep school, Hampshire
‘Very informative, good presentation, no death by PowerPoint.’
Youth worker, Youth in Romsey, Hampshire
‘Stacey has an excellent delivery style. Her knowledge around the subject and her facilitation method ensures fast paced, enjoyable learning experience.’
Chief executive, Young Mums Matter, Hampshire
‘Very engaging and informative useful information. I will be able to apply to day to day work. The activities were engaging and made the day very enjoyable. Hearing a personal experience was also very useful to help us see from a different perspective and whole family impact.’
Wellbeing worker, Havant and East Hants Mind, Hampshire
‘Helped me understand more about drugs and what happens when you take them.’
Year 8 student, St Neots prep school, Hampshire
‘Very good course – very informative and with different approaches to learning. Keeps everyone awake and interested through out.’
Young carer’s project worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
May 2016
‘Interpersonal skills was very useful and the whole training motivated me to help others with certain things.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘I have found this training really helpful and useful for my youth work. Very fun way of learning.
Stacey Miller was great and I learnt a lot from her ‘
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘I really enjoyed the different games that we played which helped me learn all about drugs and mental health. I also learnt things which I didn’t expect to learn.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Genuine and genius, down to earth.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Stacey was very friendly and open about her own experiences that made the information very impacting.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Really useful information and I now feel a lot more prepared for my future role as youth commissioner.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘I enjoyed the day I found it very inspiring.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Enjoyable and kept it interesting, I liked how you were very relatable.’
Youth Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
April 2016
‘The course was very well delivered with a great balance of information and interaction. I look forward to more training.’
Youth worker, YMCA Southampton
‘Really enjoyable course, relevant information presented well.’
School nurse, Solent NHS
‘Really interesting. Thank you. Packed day full of information, fully interactive so not at all boring.’
Youth worker, No Limits, Southampton
‘Stacey and Kailea were excellent trainers and provided a good mixture of a relaxed approach and serious information imparting.’
Young Carers Project Worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Very interesting. Like the interactive approach, very knowledgeable facilitators.’
ADAPT Project Worker, The Hampton Trust, Southampton
‘Learnt a lot today- coming away with some fantastic resources and self-confidence to share this with the young people I work with.’
Young Carers Project Worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Great trainers kept the day fun and interactive and kept me interested- a difficult task!.’
Young Carers Project Worker, Southampton Voluntary Services
‘Professional, informative, factual and concise. A difficult topic- made easy.’
PIPPA Development & Training Co-ordinator, Southampton
March 2016
‘A very good course- Stacey presented in a very upbeat manner without dismissing the seriousness of the subject.’
Housing officer, Radian Housing, Petersfield
‘Really engaging training, the day flew by as all the material was so interesting.’
Family Support Outreach Worker, Bushy Leaze children and families centre
‘Another super training, facilitated effortlessly and well thought through.’
Youth Commission Project Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Nice to hear from trainers that have real interest in a subject and compassion. A variety of training methods. Thank you.’
Housing manager, Radian Housing, Petersfield
‘Really enjoyable and informative- Stacey has excellent knowledge and makes a very deep subject enjoyable when learning.’
Family support worker, Bushy Leaze children and families centre
‘Delivered in a way which was engaging- great facilitator.’
Youth worker, No Limits, Southampton
‘Professionally delivered in a no nonsense, this is how it is way.’
Inclusion manager, Crestwood school
February 2016
‘Stacey did a great job in combining two topics in a one day training event; Motivational Interviewing and Developing and Maintaining Professional Boundaries. A good overview on both topics was given and I would recommend a full day on both subjects. Stacey has the ability to create a very relaxed and comfortable training environment which enables people to have maximum input into the day. Delivery of the content is done in a variety of ways, video/ writing/ group work, ensuring that it appeals to all participants. Stacey kept us all engaged for the whole day – even after lunch, and it was a Friday!’
Housing Manager, New Forest District Council
‘Excellent course, delivered in an interactive and informative way. Held my attention all day. Trainer very knowledgeable and fun but professional.’
Housing officer, New Forest District Council
‘Great day! Amazing resource pack too!’
Sexual health promotion practitioner, Solent NHS
‘I love the different learning techniques applied throughout the day – kept us all awake and engaged on a Friday!’
Housing officer, New Forest District Council
‘Really good training, very interactive, good size group. Friendly and knowledgeable trainers with plenty of experience in this field.’
Public health nurse, Solent NHS
‘Stacey was a very good trainer. Very clear and easy to understand. Training pitched at the right level for the group.’
Housing officer, New Forest District Council
January 2016
‘The training day was really useful and certainly increased my awareness and knowledge.’
Youth worker, Youth Options, Southampton
‘Fab training! Very useful and relevant. It is a nice change to be proactive rather than reactive. Amazing and engaging trainers! Thank you!’
STAR project coordinator, Southampton Rape Crisis
‘Engaging and informative. Great ideas of how we could explore issues in life skills sessions with young people.’
Fairbridge programme coordinator, Princes Trust, Southampton
‘Really good training – good balance of discussion and presentation, good activities. Thanks!’
Sexual health promotions worker, Solent NHS
‘Well thought out and valuable training to increase and expand knowledge base of chemsex issues.’
Student Services officer, Southampton City College
‘Fab course, very supportive in helping expanding knowledge.’
Health promotions worker, Solent NHS
‘Really informative day and so much signposting to other useful organisations.’
Medical student, Southampton University
‘Very good method of delivery, quiz and bingo very good for learning and taking in information rather than just watching a powerpoint.’
First aid responder, Southampton City College
‘Thank you for a very well paced and informative session! Trainers were well prepared and knowledgeable.’
Youth Commission Project Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
December 2015
‘Fantastic course! Really good information! I really enjoyed the day! Thank you Stacey!’
Neighbourhood services officer, Winchester City Council
‘This is the second awareness session Stacey has organised. Both have been first class in all aspects. Friendly/informative and the resources and shared knowledge and experiences were excellent! Thank you.’
Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, Winchester
‘Very informative day, given me much better awareness. Professional and fun! Lunch was fab too and our guest speaker.’
Young carers project worker, Southampton Voluntary Service
‘Really useful. An informal but very professional course where I felt comfortable and to contribute whilst also feeling challenged and engaged.’
PSHE coordinator, Crestwood school, Eastleigh
‘Excellent training, thought provoking scenarios and discussion. Relaxed and professional trainer. Non threatening atmosphere.’
Youth worker, Yzone, Eastleigh
‘Really enjoyed discussions to get different opinions and views. Boundary challenge was fun to get out of seats.’
Deputy manager, Yzone, Eastleigh
‘Stacey is extremely chatty, helpful, insightful and knowledgeable. The training was relevant and flexible but also adaptable to different lines of work.’
Youth worker, Yzone, Eastleigh
‘Brilliant presentation/fast paced and full of information. Useful to be able to cascade to colleagues.’
Family support coordinator, Wyvern school, Eastleigh
‘A really useful day covering lots of information. Stacey’s delivery and training methods were fun and informative.’
Play therapist, Andover Play Therapy
‘Thank you Stacey, this was great and really informative to impact on education and teaching.’
CSI coordinator, Wildern school, Eastleigh
‘Very good training. A wide range of techniques used to suit all learning styles.’
Youth worker, Yzone, Eastleigh
November 2015
‘It was easy to stay focused and take information in as Stacey was bubbly and enthusiastic and it felt like she was genuinely passionate and had experience in what she was teaching rather than just covering course material.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Fantastic and really interesting! Thanks! Great free info and goody bag!’
Neighbourhood services officer, Winchester City Council
‘Great interactive session. Stacey is great, very open and kept the session fun and interesting.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Really positive training. I had very little knowledge of self harm or how to approach it. Great resources!’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Enjoyed the training, presented really well considering the subject is at time difficult and complex.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Very positive and proactive trainer which maintains the enthusiasm through the day.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Thank you, fantastic training and sweets!’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Really enjoyed this course, very informative but fun too.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Informative training, explained in a relaxed situation.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
‘Good pace. Interactive. Excellent knowledge examples.’
Housing officer, Winchester City Council
October 2015
‘Brilliant course as usual!’
Neighbourhood and Tenancy Management Officer, New Forest District Council
‘The day was well organised and paced. Each session led perfectly to the next. Stacey is a thoughtful trainer who catered to all our needs. Many thanks for an informative training!’
Youth Commission Project Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
‘Training was very useful- lots of knowledge but not pitched too high. Stacey lovely and approachable and easy to talk to. Love that we get resources to take away.’
Youth worker, Street Reach, Winchester
‘Excellent day, really useful information. Lots of information to take back to others.’
Head of House, Bourne Academy, Bournemouth.
‘Very informative, interesting and interactive, would recommend course to colleagues.’
Neighbourhood and Tenancy Management Officer, New Forest District Council
‘Stacey was extremely friendly and enthusiastic, the training was very informative and gave everyone the chance to discuss ideas. Was pleasantly surprised.’
Apprentice, Havant Borough Council
‘Great delivery and fantastic background knowledge, really informative.’
College nurse, Barton Peveril college, Eastleigh
‘Helpful understanding the harm of drug abuse, knowing how to identify drugs, facts about mixing drugs, what long term effects it can have, social, crime and health effects.’
Apprentice, Basingstoke and Dean Borough Council
‘Lots of information given in an interesting and engaging format.’
PSHE coordinator, John Hanson Community school, Andover
‘A very interesting, informative and fun course.’
Neighbourhood and Tenancy Management Officer, New Forest District Council
August 2015
‘Very informative, interactive session, pitched well to youth commission members. Would be great to see this rolled across secondary schools in Hampshire.’
Researcher, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘A very good course which is run by a down to earth individual. The course was both very informative and enjoyable. I would fully recommend.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘Very good training, took away a lot of good information, Thank-you.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘I think it was an excellent session and with Stacey’s personal experience it really made me connect with her even more! Excellent session and I have definitely learnt a lot that I will be passing on.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘A very useful day highlighting the real issues young people can face on a daily basis. Helpful for me to learn more about how to approach topics and have a more thorough knowledge or the subjects.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘Brilliant day overall very engaging and good that everyone is able to choose to participate in certain activities and very varied.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘Stacey is a down to earth and relatable trainer who has a wide knowledge on her subjects. She does not make it feel as if you are part of a lesson but rather an interactive session and chat with whereby everyone in the session is fully engaged and able to gain skills and knowledge to take away.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘I found Stacey very well-rehearsed and presented. All of the information was useful, relevant and interesting. I’d highly recommend this training to anyone, especially professionals and young people. I look forward to attending more training in the future.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘Excellent training a lot of ground covered but kept the groups attention really well. Stimulating a lot of debate. Very informative and well delivered.’
Performance and Delivery Manager, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘Stacey is a Top ‘G’ She knows her stuff, makes the course feel easy going.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
‘I thought it was a brilliant and thorough workshop. It was very useful worthwhile use of time. I’m going to take lots away with me.’
Youth Commissioner Member, Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office